Does anyone know if there have been any updates regarding this development? I know we are in the middle of a pandemic, just curious if this has been derailed or if it's likely to resume soon-ish.

Thank you!
Have heard nothing really, but I'd expect some updates eventually.
I called someone at CF and they said it's still In Progress. Some covid related delays but no cancellations or anything. Hoping to start breaking ground on the first office tower in 2022 and have it complete around 2025 (just the first one or two towers... the full project will be very long term). Looking forward to it!! Fingers crossed there are no major curveballs or cancellations before then.

No.........I'm not being specific.

Sorry, but pseudonyms are here for a reason.
Not really. We all use out real names here. So if readers see a large mint green "N" having tea with a small pink Gnome at a local coffee shop, they'll know it will be us...
Ha. Well it looks like there is now some life in this thread. There wasn't any activity here for a while but due to the quick replies, it does seem that people are checking in on this project! I hadn't seen any updates online since September 2019, so wanted to make sure everything was still moving along.

I recently bought a second condo in Regent Park (it is my primary residence and I converted my old one into a rental). Maybe a slightly risky decision due to current covid times, but I'm looking into projects like this one for long term growth in the east end of downtown.
me personally, i feel like the area needs an influx in retail. Between the jobs it'll create, and the service provided to nearby residents. Create the tall tower downtown offshoot that will redirect daily traffic from the city centre. And I won't be hurt if they put in a Bed, Bath & Beyond and an Arby's.
me personally, i feel like the area needs an influx in retail. Between the jobs it'll create, and the service provided to nearby residents. Create the tall tower downtown offshoot that will redirect daily traffic from the city centre. And I won't be hurt if they put in a Bed, Bath & Beyond and an Arby's.

The plan for this area was always to be a walkable downtown with shops/ underground path network. Some venue ideas were floating around in 2018. along with parks transit. Also, (which hadn't been approved) the addition of Residential was also an option. Some of these were just studies, but could be revisions when CF pushes forward. (I used to work on the project a couple years ago)
So many talks of tenants lined up for various projects, the westin convention center office development and now this, very surprising ... let's see which of them are true though :)
The plan for this area was always to be a walkable downtown with shops/ underground path network. Some venue ideas were floating around in 2018. along with parks transit. Also, (which hadn't been approved) the addition of Residential was also an option. Some of these were just studies, but could be revisions when CF pushes forward. (I used to work on the project a couple years ago)

Hey Tstormers! Thx for the reply. Given you worked on the project a couple years ago, it sounds like you have some first hand knowledge. Do you have any reason to believe this development will not happen? Or any other updates/ insight into the project you can share? Thank you in advance!
something I still wonder/worry about is the interconnectedness between this and a bunch of other projects nearby. I'd spoken to a gentleman at one of the community meetings for another project, where he was telling me that there were issues rerouting some utilities (enbridge maybe) when it came to preparing for transit infrastructure, ie when it comes to doing a relief line of some sort. I suppose it's easy enough to build buildings and leave room for a tunnel, or set up a mini-path system. But how much will constantly delayed transit efforts hold things up?
