I stand corrected! So to generalcanada's point, it would certainly make sense for a school in the immediate area.

I know it was on the City's ask list; I'm not sure if it's in the MZO or the agreement w/the City.
Guess time will tell. All the incoming development along Eastern, from this site all the way over to Coxwell, certainly increases the pressure on existing schools.
is there a school planned in the community? there should be one in there
TDSB has a site on the other side of the Don River, they are building a new stand-alone Elementary School in the West Don Lands... assuming the Province funds it...

PDF - https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Portals/0/do...orities2021/9 - West Donlands Final_May21.pdf

Lot of nice landscaped parkette areas between office towers! East Harbour is going to look beautiful when finished as seen in the photos up above !
Lot of nice landscaped parkette areas between office towers! East Harbour is going to look beautiful when finished as seen in the photos up above !
I don't know. Without some low-rise buildings hosting interesting retail and F&B options, I don't see this area being a draw for anyone other than workers on their lunch breaks. The monolithic glass podiums of these buildings really are an impediment to an exciting and animated streetascape IMO. I hope I'm wrong though.
comparisons on best TOC community based on plans?
VMC or East Harbour?
East Harbour is an actual ToC - multiple rail-transit lines meet there. GO RER, Ontario Line, Broadview streetcar - and it is surrounded by enough other opportunities (eg. Portlands, Villiers, West Don Lands, Leslieville) to be a real HUB, in addition to being very close via Transit (10-15 min) to existing National Business-hubs on Bay Street & South Core.

In comparison, Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is a Subway terminus and a Bus-Lane, next to a bunch of Highway infrastructure... at best in 20 years - VMC is a suburban equivalent of Yonge & Sheppard.

I don't know. Without some low-rise buildings hosting interesting retail and F&B options, I don't see this area being a draw for anyone other than workers on their lunch breaks. The monolithic glass podiums of these buildings really are an impediment to an exciting and animated streetascape IMO. I hope I'm wrong though.
Agreed, but if as this is a mixture of office and residential, it won't just be workers who live elsewhere; there will be a contingent of folks who have at least some sort of stake in living there. And yet... the massing as it's proposed is daunting; not a lot of meaningful variation.
