Oct 25













Sidewalk and paving stones on Princess is pretty much complete...

Trees on Princess are also planted..
Now that's the way to do retail! West Harbour City should take note. We need retail like this on all new condos lining major streets.
Walked by this evening. The building is truly stunning; absolutely perfect for the Avenues. The double-storied retail level was positively glowing. Forget lanterns at the tops of buildings. We need more of them at the bottom.
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Beautiful! Though I could do without the little tiara above the first setback. It seems cumbersome and heavy, a detail which would have looked good in 2004-5 when the building was designed but now seems overbearing and unnecessary.
This building does look great. Even just the bottom 6 floors alone could sit comfortably on any main street.
architectural detail

I am not crazy about this architectural detail. The builder mentioned that originally they had wanted to have the setback after the 8th floor, similar to MoZo. Since this was not an option the architect incorporated this architectural detail to create the illusion that the setback was higher. I have been in the units on the 7th floor of East and find that this concrete detail blocks some of the light and view.
nice pics, UD! what a beautiful project....
Another developer update

November 2, 2009
To All Purchasers of Units at 275 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario
RE: East Lofts – Construction Update
275 King Street East

Dear Purchaser;

We wish to provide you with another update on the construction progress at East. All concrete is now complete except for man-lift slab openings. The man-lift will be removed in about two weeks, when the permanent elevators come in service, and the slabs filled in over the following several days.

Roofing work is substantially complete.

Elevators are complete and will be inspected and certified next week. All services has been installed and thus all utilities, including sewer, water, and gas, are now complete. Bell and Rogers outlets are installed throughout the building and mainline service is due this week.

Brick cladding is complete. Decorative aluminum cladding has mostly been installed on the south and west faces of the building, except for edge and corner panels (which required site measure before manufacture), and the balance of the installation will be arriving this week and is being installed over
the next two weeks.

Window installation is substantially complete except for caulking, which is following closely behind. (windows in the north-west top floor have been left out for ease of use of swing stage for decorative panel installation and will be installed in about two weeks.

Exterior aluminum hand railings are substantially complete except for glass, which will be installed over the next two weeks.

Ground floor hoarding has been removed and the sidewalk restoration is complete. The rear lane will be rebuilt by the end of next week.

Final suite interior drywall is installed to the 11th floor, with taping and sanding complete to the 10th floor and ongoing on the 11th floor. All metal studwork will be completed this week. Final painting, tiles, and flooring is complete to the 8th floor and kitchen installations are completed to
the 7th floor.

The parking garage is substantially complete, including floor waterproofing treatment and the overhead doors.

All major pieces of equipment are being hooked up and progressively commissioned. Heat pumps, sprinklers, water and drain main risers are complete.

Life safety inspection and certification will begin 24th of November. We are on schedule for occupancy on January 15 for floors 3 to 7, and February 1 for floors 8 to penthouse. Beginning December 1, we will be conducting Pre Delivery Inspections (PDI) of each purchaser’s suite. You will be called about two weeks ahead (beginning November 16th) to arrange a date and time convenient to you to walk through your suite and inspect for deficiencies. Our PDI contact and the person who will call you is Myron Feshanets.

Please continue to check the website for updated photos and our next written update, which we will post before the end of November. As many of you are first time purchasers of a condominium, we will endeavor to provide you with information about the procedure going forward and suggestions to make the process as smooth as we are able.

We again thank you for your purchase in East and appreciate the many kind comments concerning the completed look of the building. We understand that this will be “home†to most of you and we sincerely wish to do our best to fulfill expectations.


Walter Harhay, P.Eng.
I've sent those beautiful, wonderful, reassuring updates to my own developer to use as a template suggestion as they're such a simple thing to prepare and a great way to keep the buyer involved. The response?

"Both the Facebook site and web site are updated with construction photos on a regular if not weekly basis – that is a pretty “live†update. We have also been more than open and generous with respect to our ongoing progress compared to many other builder’s in this industry."

This is coming from a company that hasn't had written correspondence with it's purchasers in over a year and only contacted them to extend their EV date 4 times in the 2-3 years prior...or in other words "Go F*** yourself, you're an idiot for suggesting such a thing". God it's so sad how bad developers are at this shit and how we put up with it.

EAST is lucky...and a great looking building. I really hope mine looks this good, that would at least be nice.
I'm amazed they would respond so unprofessionally :O ... yikes.

As for this project-- I love how "Bauhaus" those balconies look from Richmond Street. Nice effect :)
