Black Bricks?

I heard from someone who works in the area that the builder had problems getting black bricks and instead is going to use red bricks? Does anyone know if this is true?
I heard from someone who works in the area that the builder had problems getting black bricks and instead is going to use red bricks? Does anyone know if this is true?
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I think your sentence should read like this.

"I heard from someone who works in the area that the builder found out black bricks cost more so they've decided to go the cheaper route and use red bricks? Does anyone know if this is true?
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Any buyers at East Lofts on King?

Just wondering if anyone has any update on the building - been seeing and hearing a lot lately. Heard they are now using red brick instead of black and that it's delayed again...anyone have any news?
A mystery site? I'm confused...

Help me fit this piece to the UT puzzle! (Hint: It's on King St East, near Sherbourne.)

I believe this is the site of the failed Context development; is it a TCHC building now?
What was the original Context development? Was it the one being advertised around the same time as Radio City, Mozo, Spire, and Tip Top?

You're welcome.

I'm really looking forward to East, the affordable housing, and King East designer condos going in as they'll add a lot more life to this end of town. Hopefully there'll be some decent retail, and I actually wouldn't mind a convenience store. A pub or something like that would be nice too, so when I decide to wander from my house at 12 am there are more places to go. More street and nightlife is what we need around here.

That wasn't a failed Context project. They sold it to TCHC after they were finalists in the redevelopment of Regent Park.
