Anyone have any update on when this building will be ready for occupancy? Last I heard was May 2009 but they haven't even built the floor for parking yet and it's mid-July already. Find it hard to believe it'll be finished in 10 months...

According to the latest update in the purchaser section of the east website, move in dates for floors 3-7 is May 1, 2009 and June 1, 2009 for 8-PH.

It's a little early to be so certain about the date - a lot - or the opposite - can happen in 10 months - to change the closing. The builder has certain time-frames to keep you informed of course. From

The builder is permitted to extend the occupancy date of a purchaser’s condominium unit if the purchaser receives proper written notice of the extension. However, if the purchaser is not properly notified of a delay to the confirmed occupancy date, they are entitled to seek compensation under the terms of the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act.


The builder can delay occupancy of a new condominium unit for up to 5 days without giving notice or compensation. Also, compensation will not be paid for delays caused by events beyond the builder’s control, such as strikes or floods, or for delays which the purchaser causes.
Every purchase agreement for a condominium unit will include either a confirmed “occupancy date” or a “tentative occupancy date”. For the latter, the builder is required to inform the purchaser in writing of the confirmed occupancy date no later than 30 days after the roof assembly is completed (or another specific stage of construction as specified in the purchase agreement). If the purchaser is not given notice of the confirmed occupancy date 90 days before the tentative occupancy date, then the tentative date automatically becomes the confirmed date for the purpose of calculating compensation for the delay.
Once the confirmed occupancy date is established, the builder is allowed to extend it once by up to 120 days. In this situation, the builder must give the purchaser at least 65 days written notice. The builder can also extend the date by up to 15 days if they give the purchaser at least 35 days written notice. The builder is permitted to use both of these extensions as long as they give required notices and the total of the two extensions does not exceed 135 days.

22 August 2008 photo update

This afternoon I was shocked to discover at least 3 workers on site! Concrete being poured, etc.

live feed

any idea why they took down the live video feed from the website? It was there a couple days ago and now the link is gone
Does anyone have an updated picture of the dig? I hear they're almost ready to pour concrete up to street level.
Does anyone have an updated picture of the dig? I hear they're almost ready to pour concrete up to street level.
No pics BUT they are about a floor below street level in part of the site (west) and 2 or 3 floors below on the east. I guess it will get to street level in 3 weeks or so.
Doesn't it feel like it's taking them a really long time to get anything done? I'm really skeptical that they'll be ready for occupancy by next June at this rate!
I am expecting that move in will be Dec 2009-Jan 2010 based on my current gut feel on where things are at and what they have to go. I am hopeful that once they reach ground level things will move more quickly.
They're less than two months behind the last schedule we were given (June 12 update). They were supposed to have reached ground level by the middle of August.
A couple of weeks ago the condo building column in the Saturday Star said it was due for completion in September 2008. (Only 4 more days to build 12 floors!)

I suspect it might JUST be ready this time next year but it has been rather slow.
I wonder 2 things when I read these posts: Does anyone writing these posts actually own a condo at EAST because noone ever mentions being a purchaser ? And if you don't own a condo at EAST why would you even bother to post about the progress of the building...why would you even care ? Secondly, why are the posts mostly all so negative ? They are almost at street level and it's only a 13 story building which is pretty small by condo will not take to January 2010 to finish it. I actually spoke to one of the construction workers and he said that the first 7 floors will be fully ready to move into by the promised June 2009 date and the higher floors will be ready by the end of September. That sounds about right to me. I am an actual purchaser and I am just thankful to see work being done everyday towards completion. Let's not forget that NOTHING happened for over a year while waiting for an OMB decision so I am thankful that it's finally moving forward.
I think it's safe to say that most people writing on this forum are not purchasers of the buildings they are writing about. Most people here are interesting in the buildings going up in this city in general. With so much construction in Toronto at the moment it is understandable that EAST doesn't get much attention or praise. It's a fine little building but at the moment it is just an interesting if slow moving hole.
