The lifestyle marketing effort for this project is particularly nauseating.

Is this the condo with an ad that reads "I drink craft beer because it's better, not because it's trendy"? If so, its marketing campaign has potentially achieved a new level of douchebaggery (who would have thought anyone could beat Yonge+Rich).
Is this the condo with an ad that reads "I drink craft beer because it's better, not because it's trendy"? If so, its marketing campaign has potentially achieved a new level of douchebaggery (who would have thought anyone could beat Yonge+Rich).

Yes that's the one - I've seen the posters in the TTC shelters along King East
Someone should revive Unimark and employ them to start doing ads that just say: "Buy a condo here. Or don't. Whatever." in bold helvetica.
Is this the condo with an ad that reads "I drink craft beer because it's better, not because it's trendy"? If so, its marketing campaign has potentially achieved a new level of douchebaggery (who would have thought anyone could beat Yonge+Rich).

My vote goes to INDX, so unabashedly douchey it's funny and almost acceptable -- but that's another topic for another tread.
The renderings for this one are so exceptionally beautiful that I'm willing to accept minor marketing missteps.

I like they actually say on the sign up there "Rendering is artists concept"
The marketing is not as bad as INDX, but this one looks like they reviewed some Environics PRIZM neighbourhood data and spit it out on their ads. It is very targeted.

ETA: because I was curious -, M5A2Y9

11 Urban Digerati

The most urban of all the segments, Urban Digerati is a collection of younger, tech-savvy singles concentrated in the downtown apartment buildings of two cities: Toronto and Montreal. Reflecting two emerging demographic trends–the increasing urbanization fo Canada and the growth of high-rise neighbourhoods–Urban Digerati offers residents a vibrant vertical world, with bedrooms in the clouds and a lively social scene on the ground. Middle-income, highly educated and ethnically mixed, Urban Digerati neighbourhoods are typically filled with recently build high-rise apartments and condos located near fitness clubs, clothing boutiques and all types of bars–from wine to microbrew. Because many residents have yet to start families, they have the time and discretionary income to pursue active social lives, going dancing and bar-hopping and hitting film festivals and food and wine shows. And they like to look good while on the social scene, taking aerobics and Pilates classes and purchasing the latest fashions and electronics online. But they're not simply acquisitive materialists; many are globally conscious consumers who support the arts and try to lead ecologically sensitive lifestyles.
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Yeah, but their response to these demographic stats, instead of promoting ads on Twitter or whatever, was to put posters at streetcar stops of models in T-shirts that say "I EAT ORGANIC BECAUSE IT'S GOOD NOT BECAUSE IT'S TRENDY" without a hint of irony.

Approved at City Council on May 5th.


I like how this render deletes the end houses at the intersection of Adelaide and Parliament and shows the 508 streetcar

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