Actually you're completely wrong. Penn station and Grand central were built by different railroad companies in competition with one another.

Also the old station where Union now is and the (CP's) North Toronto station at the Summerhill LCBO.
Actually you're completely wrong. Penn station and Grand central were built by different railroad companies in competition with one another.

And to transpose condovo logic back half a century: it was the Pennsylvania RR's property and they could do what they want with it, nyah nyah. Of course, it helped tripwire into place the kinds of strengthened heritage regulation that'd make it no-longer-so-easy to do what they wanted w/their property...
Just curios adma, as you certainly have strong opinions about the changes being made to the Eaton Centre, but have you been to the mall to see the changes yourself? If yes then what do you think (putting aside the issue of the fact that this is a renovation rather than something new)?

It's more sleek than schlock; I'll give it that much. But it's like photoshopping Brazilian waxes onto 1970s Penthouse centerfolds because "today's taste dictates it".
Actually you're completely wrong. Penn station and Grand central were built by different railroad companies in competition with one another.

Actually, I would be wrong if it wasn't 2010. Railroads are no longer in competition with one another.

Plus, wasn't Penn Station demolished because travel by train lost its popularity?
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The lovely old station building was demolished in the 1950s but the (very busy) station lives on in the basement of a highrise - see

"The Pennsylvania Railroad began looking to divest itself of the cost of operation of the under-utilized structure, optioning the air rights of Penn Station in the 1950s. Plans for the new Penn Plaza and Madison Square Garden were announced in 1962. In exchange for the air-rights to Penn Station, the Pennsylvania Railroad would get a brand-new, air-conditioned, smaller station located completely below street level at no cost, and a 25% stake in the new Madison Square Garden Complex."
From their Facebook page, they posted a picture of the completed washroom on Level 3 South. Looks awesome! Love that sink.

Where is all the Christmas decorations? ( holiday decorations :rolleyes:) or have they added more since Nov 27?
I realize it's not finished yet, but since the scaffolding is gone in the south end, and the tiling is done and the glass railings are up...the place looks very sterile and utilitarian. Even the colour of the tiles add to the stark, coldness of the place. At least the previous tiling (e.g. the large circular band around the compass and in other locations) had a dark green hue which added at least some muted colour to the place. Now, it looks like an airport lounge..or worse. We'll see when it's all finished in the new year..
Now, it looks like an airport lounge..or worse. We'll see when it's all finished in the new year..

Had a chance to pass through about a week ago and it looks quite good, albeit a bit sterile or .... like an airport lounge. This may actually be the Toronto style, if there is such a thing.

Be it the Eaton Centre, subway stations, NPS or the PATH system - sterility and simplicity of style are defining features of much of Toronto's architecture and the design of its public spaces. There is nothing wrong with this if a city has the people to give it the colour and style. I leave it to others to judge whether Torontonians are the people to add style and panache to its public spaces.
Had a chance to pass through about a week ago and it looks quite good, albeit a bit sterile or .... like an airport lounge. This may actually be the Toronto style, if there is such a thing.

Be it the Eaton Centre, subway stations, NPS or the PATH system - sterility and simplicity of style are defining features of much of Toronto's architecture and the design of its public spaces. There is nothing wrong with this if a city has the people to give it the colour and style. I leave it to others to judge whether Torontonians are the people to add style and panache to its public spaces.

I dunno.. public spaces are part of the gravy train..
From their Facebook page, they posted a picture of the completed washroom on Level 3 South. Looks awesome! Love that sink.


I finally got down yesterday to look around. They have the same sink installed in the men's washroom down by the Queen Street entrance too, it's pretty cool but the rest of the room was beyond gross and stunk to high heaven. I could smell it as I was walking down the hallway approaching the restroom.

I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the changes to the railings but as soon as I hit the south end I immedately didn't like them. They don't work with the larger feel of the surroundings and atrium but what's done is done. Too bad.
