Hey!!! Looks who is back

April 03, 2011
Saw the renderings for this the other day, it is going to be really nice especially having the covered patio on Dundas, supposed to open July long weekend.
Hey!!! Looks who is back

April 03, 2011

Those crappy, sunken, interlocking brick islands along the sidewalk with the struggling tree in the middle (aka the bike rack) in front of Ryerson/Best Buy/Canuk Tire have all been re-done from just west of Joey Eaton Centre. Only soil, plantings and granite slabs are needed to complete the job which will be a huge improvement along this stretch.
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Great! This is exactly what Dundas + Bay needs: more patios. The Spring Rolls across the street helps populate this stubbornly desolate stretch of Dundas. It's better with the CanadianTire/BestBuy/Ryerson addition, but Yonge seems to suck the life out of what should be a busy street.
I've watched this "revitalization" since it started before Christmas and I detest what I see. The old railings were an integral part of the feel of the environment. They've opted for a blandification, and it was not only needless, it was ill advised.

The word "lobotomy" comes to mind. Or, we could call it another application of the restaurant makeover principal: blow away unique-and-cool in favour of something you'll find everywhere else.

Saving this for last: the workmanship in the new brushed stainless railings is just awful, to the trained eye. If you look down any long row of railings you'll see what I mean. Things don't line up, and some portions are ever so slightly warped. It is bad work. If I were the property owner I'd be having a fit right now. I guess I am a bit of a detail queen - but really, I wish they wouldn't do this sort of thing.

But who cares, it is just Eaton Centre. I do my best to avoid it (impossible for an Apple addict like me). I like a retail street like Bloor, not a mall.

Oh, how I wish Apple would take their flagship store elsewhere!
The new concrete planter boxes, which will eventually match those between Joey's and Yonge Street when complete so they'll run from Yonge to Bay Street.

Facing west -

Facing east with completed planter boxes just beyond the incomplete box

The new concrete planter boxes, which will eventually match those between Joey's and Yonge Street when complete so they'll run from Yonge to Bay Street.

Facing west -

Facing east with completed planter boxes just beyond the incomplete box

Can somebody please remind me what was there before? Any pics?
I just don't buy your argument (and CF's) that the original was more design than function. I'd say they were the perfect combination of both. Your complaints about chipped paint and sticky railings represent a flaw in maintenance...not design. And I suspect all that glass will require just as much maintenance to keep it clean.

Indeed. For those arguments against chipped paint and stickiness, one can make counter-arguments against fingerprinted glass, hard-edged metal rails, etc...
Can somebody please remind me what was there before? Any pics?

The poor trees were used as bike racks and if you look at the island in the foreground you can see how the interlocking bricks were sinking. This was taken summer 2009, it got worse.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

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Can somebody please remind me what was there before? Any pics?

The area in front of Eatons was wide open sidewalk.

The area in front of Ryerson had trees with small planters at the base with bike racks.

The whole block is now has the new planters styles with nothing in them, mable top missing, dead plants. Was going to take a piture today of them and decided not to as I was too tired to pull the camara out out of the backpack
The poor trees were used as bike racks and if you look at the island in the foreground you can see how the interlocking bricks were sinking. This was taken summer 2009, it got worse.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks dt. I remember now. Wow, that was pretty bad. The new sitting spaces around a planter works a lot better. Maybe they can make this a theme on Dundas, notably in front of the Police station further down.
Thanks dt. I remember now. Wow, that was pretty bad. The new sitting spaces around a planter works a lot better. Maybe they can make this a theme on Dundas, notably in front of the Police station further down.

Well, they'd have to convince 52 Division to stop using that plaza as a parking lot first.
