Awhile ago I heard that there were plans being tossed around about an additional tower being added to the complex. The $48M food court might make more sense if considered against the potential for a new $500M tower. Apparently there were structural provisions in the original mall design to allow for it to go somewhere around the south-east corner of the mall (above the Sport Chek), so perhaps the thinking is that redoing the north food court will allow them to gut the south food court, creating some breathing room to stage the new tower construction

hmmm... thats interesting because sport chek is relocating to the new food court too.

I really liked those indoor trees on the marble(?) floor...
Do they still have them?
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I'm interested to see how much prices are inflated post-reno.

I started working downtown about 6 years ago and noticed any time a food court in the PATH went through a reno, most of the prices would jump up 20 to 30% and were usually accompanied by a decline in portion sizes or quality.

Since they are hyping the quality of the food on offer, I expect the Urban Eatery will elicit some sticker shock and won't be surprised if lunch for two costs $25 at most vendors.
I really liked those indoor trees on the marble(?) floor...
Do they still have them?

Hopefully not.
This is a good shot to remember the original design of the EC. I remember when Snow's Canada Geece first went up, who would have thought they'd still be there over three decades later.
That'd make an interesting study - art that survives intact, while the integrity of the building it was installed in is compromised. I wonder which generally survives the best, locally, art or architecture?
That'd make an interesting study - art that survives intact, while the integrity of the building it was installed in is compromised. I wonder which generally survives the best, locally, art or architecture?

There's a paper for someone studying urban planning or architecture to study and write!
On the to-do list? - Check out brand new foodcourt.

It opened today, and I'd like to see if anyone is using it, and how packed it is.

9 pm edit:

Reporting live from the foodcourt it's caltrane!

This place is huge and lots of empty seats.... What a change from the old foodcourt.

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I just had lunch there... a delicious sesame tempeh sandwich and a carrot ginger juice from Urban Herbivore. The melamine dishes are ok, though the trays are a bit too slippery. Lots of seating areas to choose from, and you don't get blasted by the noise as in the Bay Adelaide Centre food court.
this place was packed today. one thing I noticed is people ended up putting their trays beside the handwash stations rather then bring them to the garbage stations.
Enjoyed my free $10 voucher meal last night and it was packed at 7-8pm. I was quite impressed with the job they did, huge improvement, and it finishes off the renos really well with those lit circles above the escalators to enter the area.
the restaurant rare? (i think it was called that) seemed pretty stupid to me since i asked for a sandwich and the lady told me they don't have any, and i asked her if she would make one since i thought that was the whole point, she said no... I was pretty upset with that...
There is a rendering of the new art installation in the atrium called Slipstream on the Nuit Blanche website. Looks like they are unveiling it that night.
the restaurant rare? (i think it was called that) seemed pretty stupid to me since i asked for a sandwich and the lady told me they don't have any, and i asked her if she would make one since i thought that was the whole point, she said no... I was pretty upset with that...

yeah.... I had to put up a good fight to get a plain roast beef sandwhich there... some of these boutique stalls need to get accustomed to being a food court outlet..
yeah.... I had to put up a good fight to get a plain roast beef sandwhich there... some of these boutique stalls need to get accustomed to being a food court outlet..

yea i didn't get it, your in a food court aren't you suppose to make me food? I was kind of dumb founded because I'm like uh you won't take my money, okay? bye. and the lady working there outside of the store was saying they would make exactly what you wanted right in front of you fresh.
