I didn't mind the tree this year. It certainly wasn't the Swarovski-decorated tree from previous years, but it was interesting. Certainly overshadowed by the deer, though.
For what it's worth, UVA's lighting fixture is not working, and some faulty components need replacement. No idea if Cadillac Fairview is pursuing a fix at the moment.

This years Christmas or shall i say "Holiday" decorations" looked incomplete, it was a really small display compared to other years. Also that tree was really stupid. I walked right by it not even realizing that it was the Christmas tree! I just figured it was some art display.

I remember the good ole days when stores and malls put up decorations that actually symbolized Christmas!
You may be right sp!re. You may even be technically right. However, the general concept of refined simplicity = truth is something that many people, perhaps most people, don't feel good about. Architecture type people believe in simplicity and refinement = truth. The general population probably feels more like stuff = love, more stuff crammed in there = more love. Who we believe is right probably in my opinion has more to do with our own personal ideas about truth and love than anything universal.
This years Christmas or shall i say "Holiday" decorations" looked incomplete, it was a really small display compared to other years. Also that tree was really stupid. I walked right by it not even realizing that it was the Christmas tree! I just figured it was some art display.

I remember the good ole days when stores and malls put up decorations that actually symbolized Christmas!

I guess that's the politically correct city we live in. I miss it too!
It has nothing to do with political correctness or any other bogeyman you can come up with--it's about money. It costs less to put up a white cut-out and light show than it does a gigantic tree mounted on a rotating stand and covered in crystal ornaments.
Am I the only person who found the previous tree rather cheesy and tacky? A rotating fake tree with a bunch of flashing crystals on it? It's also worth mentioning that the Eaton Centre never "owned" that tree. In fact, they paid Swarovski for the rights to use it. It moved to Yorkdale this year (albeit, a shorter version).

The move to introduce their own tree to compliment the Reindeer was the right one! I think it looked dope.

It has nothing to do with political correctness or any other bogeyman you can come up with--it's about money. It costs less to put up a white cut-out and light show than it does a gigantic tree mounted on a rotating stand and covered in crystal ornaments.

Also, I could imagine the installation of this years tree being no more cost effective, not to mention the cost of production.
I remember the good ole days when stores and malls put up decorations that actually symbolized Christmas!

I don't recall seeing nativity scenes in store windows.
It's all about political correctness. Christmas symbols have somehow become offensive to non-Christian shoppers. Stores have instructed workers to tell customers “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings,” but not “Merry Christmas,” I 'm an atheist, I celebrate Christmas because I don't think its a day to be focused on for religion. I think its a day where your family is to come together and actually spend sometime together and the free gifts are nice too. I wish people a Merry Christmas and i don't get offended when people say it back to me.

At least The Bay still does an old school Christmas window display!
It's all about political correctness. Christmas symbols have somehow become offensive to non-Christian shoppers. Stores have instructed workers to tell customers “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings,” but not “Merry Christmas,” I 'm an atheist, I celebrate Christmas because I don't think its a day to be focused on for religion. I think its a day where your family is to come together and actually spend sometime together and the free gifts are nice too. I wish people a Merry Christmas and i don't get offended when people say it back to me.

At least The Bay still does an old school Christmas window display!

I feel the same. Being atheist too, I won't be offended by the term "Christmas". It is simply tradition and has less and less to do with religion itself. How many Christians actually pray regularly to God or visit churches on Sundays? Fewer and fewer people take religion seriously nowadays, but it doesn't mean we can't say "Merry Christmas". It is like saying "Good morning" to me.

I don't midn Christmas trees, Santa and all that kind of festive stuff. However, I do think the display of the birth of Jesus in front of the old city hall is extremely tacky. We are celebrating a national holiday, not really the birth of one particular person which may or may not have existed.
They did the skype with Santa thing again this year. No doubt cheaper - one Santa can service a lot of malls, and no liability issues.
It's all about political correctness. Christmas symbols have somehow become offensive to non-Christian shoppers. Stores have instructed workers to tell customers “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings,” but not “Merry Christmas,” I 'm an atheist, I celebrate Christmas because I don't think its a day to be focused on for religion. I think its a day where your family is to come together and actually spend sometime together and the free gifts are nice too. I wish people a Merry Christmas and i don't get offended when people say it back to me.

At least The Bay still does an old school Christmas window display!

It's funny because the happy holy holidays during this season, by the same logic, should be offensive to most people who would find Merry Christmas offensive as well (minus the Jewish community and etc.). After all, holy days...
At least The Bay still does an old school Christmas window display!

That is frequently criticized as hopelessly tacky.

I am a Christian, and I don't mind hearing "Happy Holidays". Cards with "Seasons Greetings" printed in them have been around for decades and nobody complained--and people were far more Christian back then. This whole "don't say Happy Holidays" rant seems to have come out of nowhere in the past ten years or so. What's the solution? I say put up decorations for all the holidays at year-end. Put up a tree, a menorah, a Yule wreath, the works. My university put up banners for all the December holidays, with cards at each table explaining the significance of each. I never heard of any backlash.

I don't particularly miss the Santa at the mall either, and I doubt many young kids do either. Watch A Christmas Story some time: kids are scared to death of mall Santas! I know I was when I was really young.
Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Not Started

Location: 1 DUNDAS ST W

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 14 107227 BLD 00 BA Accepted Date: Jan 21, 2014

Project: Retail Store Interior Demolition

Description: To complete interior demolition work to return the existing "Sears" to shell conditions for future tenant fit up.
