It's now about a fifth of its original length, and the panels in it glow brightly.


Slipstream was designed to be 135m long. CF spends $120 million trashing it's own property, then pays $2.5 million for a sculpture that hasn't worked in 4 years and is somehow now a truncated version of it's original size (ruining the monumental nature of it). Besides not being great art in the first place (my opinion), it's basically invisible to your basic mall goer anyway.

The scary part is that CF owns TD Centre, and they are running out of other architectural masterpieces to ruin.

And what is it with these LED light sculptures???? I thought LED was used cause it was so much more easy to work with than other light sources. The Trump light sculpture is like this ones twin. Is it a curse? Both buildings were designed by Zeidler. TEC has a Michael Snow sculpture as well...that while hasn't malfunctioned, certainly had some drama.
I know this will be met with skepticism, but Snow's Lightline at the Trump is coming fairly soon. It's been caught up in other issues facing the completion of work at that building, but as final touches are now being completed on Trump, the switch is going to be thrown soon. Remember, it was tested on two evenings this summer as was seen to be working!

LED is inexpensive. The cheaper it costs the more problematic the diodes.

I miss the old galleria but, nostalgia aside, I don't mind the corporate look of the new one. It is a mall afterall. I'm sure tenants are quite happy with fewer distractions.
Size doesn't matter!

In this case it does. The sculpture was supposed to convey motion by utilizing 70 prisms on a rotation of one degree from each other to accommodate this. It now appears to only have only 17 prisms. So it doesn't even perform the function it was designed to do. It's a complete failure on any level.
We have the answer to why they're taking down the scaffolding. The structural work appears to be complete. The cladding work will be done via a swing stage that was just installed.
