Thank you 'Light'. We all need to be reminded now and then that we do live in a vibrant, cosmopolitan, 'safe', city. Especially appreciated when it is said by someone who doesn't live in Toronto. While certainly not perfect we should nurture what we have rather than bash it as so many on this site do. Perhaps some on this site have not travelled much or have fetishes for other places (NYC in particular).

Having said that, I think the Y+D area is having some security issues of late, and some of the characters hanging around are decidedly shifty.

They really do want to turn Dundas Square into Times Square don't they? "Daylight-bright, even at night." As a "tourist" to NYC, I didn't find Times Square pleasant. The massive crowding made me want to throw elbows because everyone stops and stares or takes photos in the middle of packed sidewalks. Times Square is not there for the locals (and I'm willing to bet most of them avoid it). I understand the importance of tourism in a vibrant, growing city, but surely there are ways better than trying to emulate NYC. We are our own city; we don't need to mimic other "tourist-focused zones" that draw tourists and push away the locals.

There are areas like this in pretty much every major city not just New York.
its no different than Times Square in that sense, its filled with either tourists, people pushing their agenda (religion or otherwise), tourist oriented street performers (the "statues", etc.), or the homeless / mentally ill.

The only real difference is Y/D has a large amount of students running through about as fast as they can so they never have to spend any time in the square itself.
Your scumbag detector must be set to sensitive (or set too sensitive!) It's downtown in a large City for heaven's sake.
Yeah, I've been wondering for a while whether the needle needs to be recalibrated. But I think we should be careful to not be cavalier about what's going on downtown/at Y/D. In other words, we shouldn't take 'it's a large city' to just mean 'high scumbag quotient,' as if the translation were trivially true. It needn't be this way, although I'll admit a low scumbag quotient is probably a true translation of 'large city.'
Jan 23




Really hope they change the signage...that H&M is rather lackluster.
You got your wish... kinda. (see pic above)

I noticed that today and came here to post about it. :)

I also noticed how cheap the H&M facade looks. They're not aiming for any design awards, that's for sure. Off the shelf panels of acrylic, with no custom panels to account for the round sides. They just rounded it with several flat panels. That's a cheap out if you ask me.


As for the Nordstrom, it turns out that they're just using the beige colour for their facade. Ugh...


The saving grace are the new windows which are an improvement over the blank walls with billboards.

As for the secretive space for which a retailer hasn't been announced — rumoured to the be the new Apple Store — it's in fact quite huge as can be seen from the outside. Nordstrom acutually ends much farther back from Yonge-Dundas Square than I had anticipated.
That crappy H&M sign reminds me of another crappy sign recently built at Yonge & Eglinton.


image by someMidTowner


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The signs are probably temporary. Up close you can see that it's just an adhesive vinyl that is easily removed. My guess is that there will be 2 large video billboards in those rectangles in the corners and the H&M logo will be prominent.
