So which celebrities do you think will be on hand for the opening of Joeys!?!?

I'm guessing Alan Thicke and Rita McNeil.
I'm guessing the post and rings will be installed by the City after the project is complete. I have a hunch that the outside workers that install bike racks are probably on strike ATM.

I think most, if not all construction is contracted out. In addition, are we to believe that others will now tear up the newly set concrete to install items that should have been installed during the actual construction in the first place (don't answer that)?

My guess: we are not getting bike posts. (are there even bike posts on the west side?)
The pic above is another great example of the motto of Toronto...
Do everything half-assed.

The post above is another great example of the motto of many UT Forum members...

Post everything half-informed.

(What are you worried about? The look? Cladding of the planter edges has yet to take place. Bike posts? They're a city concern, and the people responsible for installing them are currently on strike.)

Cladding of the concrete planters has begun. Its the same black stone used on the Dundas face of the Eaton Centre.
That's a relief. I found it inconceivable to believe they were just going to leave it the way it was, UGLY! I just wish they were a bit taller, so they could serve double duty as benches, as this city has so few places to sit along it's sidewalks. We need more benches in this city!
I hope all the new planters the city installs will be like those. They look like a tree might actually survive in there!
Hang in there.The planters have not been cladded yet. But the samples they've been attaching are dark, smooth and shiny black stone.
Cladding on planters, August 6

They've finished cladding some of the planters. Pictures from around suppertime August 6:

I love them!

PS. Every morning when I go to work (7am) I see many construction workers entering the Joeys Restaurant. I guess work is still going on inside.
The planters look really good, worth the wait. Additional greenspace along this stretch will really improve this area. Why do people use these spaces as a place to deposit their garbage?
Good to hear Joey's is moving forward too!
