How many typical shoppers visiting the mall will know what the CF stands for? To them, it's the Eaton Centre.
If people are upset with the re-branding, email CF relentlessly. It probably won't change anything, but it's better than complaining on here. Let them know your disdain in volumes. Tell them why it's a bad idea. Give them something to ponder.
Typically the media goes along with rebranding efforts such as this

I've been keeping an eye out for it, and so far I've noticed that the mainstream media seems to be largely ignoring the CF prefix. My efforts are hardly scientific or comprehensive, but even these past few days I've noticed references to the Eaton Centre and Toronto Eaton Centre in the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star, not CF Eaton Centre. Maybe that will change.
If people are upset with the re-branding, email CF relentlessly. It probably won't change anything, but it's better than complaining on here. Let them know your disdain in volumes. Tell them why it's a bad idea. Give them something to ponder.

I don't want to give them the satisfaction of thinking we even noticed.
Same here. It's a dumb idea but it's not the first time a big corporate entity tried to rebrand a building. It's the Eaton Centre and most of us won't soon forget that fact.
Anybody want to go shopping at the Simpsons store with me?

Some of you folks sound like my parents. Names change and over time people will get used to it. I call it the Skydome still but my kids know it as the Rogers Centre.
Yup, totally depends on your age. I still call it the Skydome because that's what it was called when it was being built, and for years afterward. Had a brother who worked there in building operations from day 1. Just as I still think of the the building at the foot of the L Tower as the O'Keefe Centre, even though it had long ago changed to the Hummingbird Centre, and now it's the Sony Centre. I can't keep up. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go wash the drool from my chin.
Anybody want to go shopping at the Simpsons store with me?

Some of you folks sound like my parents. Names change and over time people will get used to it. I call it the Skydome still but my kids know it as the Rogers Centre.

Well, no. Not really the same thing.

People I know who still call the stadium SkyDome don't usually do it because they aren't used to the new name (I don't hang out with doddering old folks) , but usually do it because they are sick and tired of corporatization and homogenization. Or they are pissed at how Rogers is allegedly at any given point ruining the Blue Jays. It's not typically an age or resistance to change thing. Your kids may be calling SkyDome too when they start paying Rogers bills.

As for CF Eaton Centre, people seem to mostly just think it's stupid. I highly doubt anyone's children will be calling it the CF Eaton Centre.
ya the CF will not stick. It's not cool, its not sexy, it does not stand for anything that anyone cares about. That "complex" will be known either as the eatons centre or simply by most "the mall"
Sorry Cadillac Fairview, no one cares.
For many years, they've been trying to push "Toronto Eaton Centre" instead of "Eaton Centre" - that's fine, but there's only one Eaton Centre in Ontario (there used to be more, but that's another story), and everyone knows what you're talking about. People naturally shorten names or use names that make sense. The Leafs/Raptors venue is usually called the ACC, because it rolls of the tongue, and in the right context, the other person knows exactly what you're talking about. Nobody bothered to call it "Scotiabank Nuit Blanche" except when they were pretty much required to, like in the first mention of it in a news story or promotional message. "CF Toronto Eaton Centre" will be even less successful becoming part of the local vernacular than "Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival."

SkyDome is as much a backlash against Rogers as it is a lingering habit. It's still a terrible name for a baseball stadium (they're called parks, stadiums, domes, or fields), especially when there's also a Rogers Arena (Vancouver) and a Rogers Place under construction (Edmonton).

I look forward to how real people will be calling the bus terminal at the new subway station at Highway 7 in Vaughan.
but usually do it because they are sick and tired of corporatization and homogenization

First of all the original name was based on a corporation. And back in the day there were many Eaton Centre's across the country. How different is adding CF to a bunch of malls across the country from having Toronto Eaton Centre, Montreal Eaton Centre, Edmonton Eaton Centre, Eaton Centre Metrotown etc. back in the day? The more things change the more they stay the same.
