He's right though.. This line "too much flash, too little art" makes absolutely no sense. Art is inherently supposed to be 'flash' (whatever that means).

Why would a box be better here? Sorry, but this is one of the FRESHEST designs to come out of Toronto in a long time. I can't think of any example in this city that could vaguely be used to describe this, aside from the slanted condo hats a la Gibson, but even that is a stretch.

What flash? This is an interesting, somewhat fluid design, designed specifically to be the exclamation point in an area of Toronto experiencing tremendous growth. This area will be absolutely wild in 10 years, especially if the rumours I'm hearing about Mr. Christie's are true.
Not to mention there is absolutely NOTHING DUBAI about that,...Miami ok...Panama City,... no problem..... Dubai??? Not a chance...

Toronto is on a HUGE LAKE PEOPLE... i HAVE READ "HERE" how developers do not embrace the water, or consider that as a part of design this does that...Nicely I might Add

Isolated In Etobicoke .... this will stand tall and look really nice... I am happy with ALL developments in Toronto, as it signals the health of the city, and the nation, I do not LOVE every project, but the constant hate drives me NUTS, I can ignore it for weeks at a time, .....then I read that, It just makes me angry.... Frustration????

Serious I have said it before.... You hate Toronto, you hate Maimi, you hate Dubai.... well thats where global design is right now..... these type projects..... the other option is NO DEVELOPMENT.... TRUST ...that is stagnant and far worse than Trump, or 1 Bloor, or Uptown... be thankful you have such a vibrant city!!
I'm not sure what to make of a swoop and a tilted hat being considered the freshest design to come out of Toronto in a long time. I don't see a lot of flash either. The only thing that comes to mind is, "What happened to Zeidler?"
I'm not sure what to make of a swoop and a tilted hat being considered the freshest design to come out of Toronto in a long time. I don't see a lot of flash either. The only thing that comes to mind is, "What happened to Zeidler?"

The terraced slant of the towers near the bottom for one.. Name one project in Toronto like that. One side flares into the podium, another subtly flares towards the ground, congruently mind you, the whole thing just makes sense.
I'm not sure I like how the towers end at the top.. Something's off.. I hope it gets refined for final marketing launch.
I'm a big fan of the flaring out at the bottom. I kinda get a Olympia Centre vibe off it. Agreed that the slopped roof needs to be refined. It's a bit of a weak gesture that doesn't really seem to reference the diagonal lines throughout the rest of the complex.
jets, we get it... you like everything. Your unwavering boosterism and intolerance towards critical opinions is tiring.

CHOKE..... You cant take my Boosterism?? :mad:

Too bad.... I only do it once in a while , to remind you all how lucky you are to be in a city with growth happening... :confused:
and In a positive urban enviroment... (urban density should always be praised....) Period....

I do not LOVE every project, I do not feel the need to empower myself, by ridiculing projects I do not like!! My ego doesnt need that....
The preservationists get boring..... the complaining gets old.....

If you do not like Trump... ya dont have to live there......

Ya hate Uptown ?? Shield your eyes....

Even if I do not like a project, (for example, the distillery stuff,I do not care for it) its still building a denser urban core, which is something I believe in!! So I still applaud it!!
There are many projects that I can take or leave , but they are still adding to the city, more than they are taking away, ...tracks of sub urban housing..I HATE THAT..
strip malls, and cul de sacs,,,Hate that.... 45 minute commutes HAte that!!
Inner city decay I hate that!!!
City PLace ... is a positive, in spite of all the drooling from the we want Dubai supertalls, no wait, we hate Dubai, we want exotic, we hate box, no we love boxes!!! BLECCHHH... Get over yourselves...

. My love on , is no worse than your hate ons.... Just much more positive!!!
CHOKE..... You cant take my Boosterism?? :mad:

Too bad.... I only do it once in a while , to remind you all how lucky you are to be in a city with growth happening... :confused:
and In a positive urban enviroment... (urban density should always be praised....) Period....

I do not LOVE every project, I do not feel the need to empower myself, by ridiculing projects I do not like!! My ego doesnt need that....
The preservationists get boring..... the complaining gets old.....

If you do not like Trump... ya dont have to live there......

Ya hate Uptown ?? Shield your eyes....

Even if I do not like a project, (for example, the distillery stuff,I do not care for it) its still building a denser urban core, which is something I believe in!! So I still applaud it!!
There are many projects that I can take or leave , but they are still adding to the city, more than they are taking away, ...tracks of sub urban housing..I HATE THAT..
strip malls, and cul de sacs,,,Hate that.... 45 minute commutes HAte that!!
Inner city decay I hate that!!!
City PLace ... is a positive, in spite of all the drooling from the we want Dubai supertalls, no wait, we hate Dubai, we want exotic, we hate box, no we love boxes!!! BLECCHHH... Get over yourselves...

. My love on , is no worse than your hate ons.... Just much more positive!!!

It's not a matter of ridicule. Believe it or not, some people have genuinely critical things to say about some projects. The entire point of this message board is to express opinions; good and bad. You berate people for expressing their opinions if they don't gush all over a project.
I think "All Art is Flash" would look good graffitied on a public art installation somewhere.

I agree that the terracing into the podium is an excellent aspect of the design. It makes the lower floors more marketable and looks good at the same time. Does this better than Monde, which has similar effect on smaller scale. However, the repetition of nautical sloped roofs and the tower differentiation like Nautilus seems to be an unnecessary variation on a theme for the area.

I still think it's a good looking development but the hype was making me expect a Burj Khalifa. And with over 100 combined storeys right on the lake with phenomenal views of the city, it doesn't matter that it is in Etobicoke; expectations should be high. They will make a fortune off this thing.
I dont point out most of the negative things I read... just once in a while..

It gets old!! ( I only post every couple of months!)
....For example..90 Harbor... the twin towers on young (60 st)..... no renders just preliminary massing and I have to read... "Its the DEATH OF THE SKYLINE!!"... Seriously???????
Toronto is getting to a place where there will never be one skyline view!!!! Like New York!!
No tower can ruin New York, just adds to the layering.... I like that effect... add 10 York, add 90 Harbor, add em all..... whats front and center from one view, becomes infill from another!!
This area will be absolutely wild in 10 years, especially if the rumours I'm hearing about Mr. Christie's are true.

Everything up until now is already incredible, but that would be unreal. The loss of industry would be unfortunate but that location does hold tremendous value considering the amount of development at HBS. The factory land is huge, 2-3 times the Westlake site. That would be at least another 2000+ units.
Everything up until now is already incredible, but that would be unreal. The loss of industry would be unfortunate but that location does hold tremendous value considering the amount of development at HBS. The factory land is huge, 2-3 times the Westlake site. That would be at least another 2000+ units.

Think less condos (ok, definitely condos, but not only) and a boatload of retail, galleria style, possibly a GO station.

The Humber Bay Shores Condo Association is apparently sitting on something they won't tell me.:(
