I agree. It's going to be beautiful once completed.

Same builder, similar podium design, but Emerald Park was such a huge disappointing project.
I truly hope Bazis does a better job with E-Condos this time..

View attachment 154117

Emerald park is a perfect example. An undefined, inscrutable, all-glass hunk of building makes for a terrible streetscape.

I don't know why you would expect any different results from the same design. Fool me once, shame on you...
Many people give the banal a free a pass, but aggressively attack solid efforts that appear imperfect (most good efforts are imperfect).

So you consider this a solid effort? In my opinion it screams of laziness. No attention given to pedestrian scale. Essentially a copy of a previous, disastrous design. This is the definition of banality.
It wasn't the design of the Emerald Park that was disappointing. It was the colour & very poorly designed and managed retails/offices on 1-3 floors.
At the end of the day, design is all about individual taste. It seems like you deeply hate the look of E-Condos. I hope you didn't purchase one.

So you think the podium design at emerald park is good. Ok then.

Thanks for the good wishes. Yes I agree design is about taste. :rolleyes:

*edited to add eyeroll for sarcasm
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So you consider this a solid effort? In my opinion it screams of laziness. No attention given to pedestrian scale. Essentially a copy of a previous, disastrous design. This is the definition of banality.

I disagree. I'd describe every new tower on Charles East immediately east of Yonge as banal.
I thought E condos would be the tallest building at Y&E..
It will be shorter than 1 Eglinton East. It is still taller than 2221 Yonge will be, so I don't know why 2221 seems taller in this @Koops65 diagram. It could be a mistake or just the angle
