Surely the entire deal was arranged at the local shul between George Cohen and Michael Gold and family?;)

Either way, glad to have this ugly strip retail densified.

Next: Varsity Stadium you gotta be history within 10 years!
Regardless of the property that the city gave away for a song, and the idiotic rent levels for Mickey D's, eventually there will be some tax revenue from the building that will go up there.

The city can't screw that up, can they? ;)
From the Star:

Toronto sells McDonald's site for a bargain

Mar 06, 2008 04:30 AM
Paul Moloney
city hall bureau

The city has decided to sell a prime piece of land on the Bloor St. W. strip for a bargain price and expects the property to be flipped quickly to allow a 100-metre condo tower on the site.

After a closed-door session, city council voted 28-4 yesterday to accept the original offer of $3.38 million made by McDonald's for the site the restaurant chain occupies with a cheap 99-year lease, across from the Royal Ontario Museum.

Local councillor Adam Vaughan said he understands that McDonald's plans to resell the land to Kazakhstan-based developer Bazis International Inc., which is building an 80-storey condo building down the street at 1 Bloor and already owns the lot adjacent to McDonald's.

The chain would get a new restaurant in the building as part of the deal.

Just two weeks ago, a blue-ribbon panel that examined the city's books concluded Toronto could do a better job of managing its massive real estate portfolio, and said the city could realize an extra $150 million a year from asset sales.

Some estimates had suggested the site could be worth $7 million to $9 million, though its desirability could be limited by the long lease McDonald's holds on the land.

Councillor Cliff Jenkins, a member of the government management committee who was among those objecting to the sale, said the city could entertain a higher offer in future while continuing to lease.

"We should be prepared to renew the lease and at least keep it in our hands, and not give it away at bargain-basement prices," he said.

He conceded the long-term lease reduces the value of the property, but not by that much.

"We should not allow it to put a gun to our heads," Jenkins said. "In my opinion, we're not getting a good deal."

But Vaughan said there are advantages to the sale despite the relatively low price, such as being able to limit the height of the proposed development to 100 metres – 20 metres shorter than the 28-storey condo under construction nearby at 1 Bedford Rd.

McDonald's would be part of the street-level retail shops incorporated into the building, with condos above, he added.

"McDonald's simply flows the property through to Bazis and, in return for flowing it through to them at basically the price they paid for it, they get their building demolished and a new building put in place. Effectively they get replaced on site with a better building."

McDonald's was pleased with council's decision, said company spokesperson Louis Payette.

"It has always been our goal to reach a fair agreement with the city on this property and firmly believe this decision is in the best interests of both parties," Payette said.

The government management committee had recommended the city continue to lease the site.

The restaurant chain had been paying rent of just $15,500 a year, which the city had hoped to raise to $195,000 annually.

Councillor Cesar Palacio was another member of the committee who objected to the price, saying that, "personally, I don't think that we're getting the best value for the taxpayers' money."

Vaughan said detractors should look at the overall benefit a redevelopment would bring to the stretch of Bloor west of Avenue Rd.

"On a pure real estate transaction, yeah, the money on the table probably isn't what the land is actually worth," he said.

"The most important thing is what gets built there is a positive contribution to the development of the Annex as it faces Bloor St.," Vaughan said.

"The money has to make sense, but the most important thing is the neighbourhood to the north is protected."

Who wants the McDonald's site?

Concord-based Bazis International Inc., a six-year-old division of a Kazakhstan multinational company, hopes to develop a condominium tower across from the ROM, on land that includes a city-owned lot occupied by a McDonald's.

"It's going to be amazing," said president Michael Gold. "We think it's important to have a landmark development across from a great site like the ROM."

Bazis was founded in 1991 in Kazakhstan and takes its name from a "collection of family names," Gold said. It owns more than 100 companies related to design, development and construction of real estate and has projects in 12 cities in countries including Russia and Ukraine.

Gold said the local company functions independently and considers itself Canadian. "All our decisions are based here," said Gold.

The company is behind 1 Bloor, an 80-storey condo-hotel project Gold bills as the tallest residential tower in Canada. It is also building Crystal Blu, a 35-storey condo at 21 Balmuto St., and Emerald Park, a condo project Yonge St. and Sheppard Ave. Others are planned in New York and Los Angeles.

Gold promises the development planned opposite the ROM won't be higher than 100 metres.

"The land will be sold to McDonald's (first) and we hope to have a block development there in the near future after consultation with the city and with the community."

I don't know about this. I think the city should have held on. I guess a 99 year lease is too long, but they shouldn't have been in this position in the first place. Guh.
^ this article was already posted on the previous page of this thread.
A bit of unfortunate terminology being used here: "Borat" and deals being done "at the shul". Maybe we could try to keep the discourse at a higher level.

Otherwise, some good comments have been posted. The situation is a mess, but that's largely the fault of whoever drew up the original lease back in 1971. You need very little knowledge of real estate to see how poorly conceived this deal was. As a direct result, the city's hands today are tied. They have now sold a rate that's low, for midtown property, but that reflects the fact that the property was encumbered by a lengthy lease, as well as the fact that it's pretty close to (or maybe directly above?) the subway, probably limiting how far down you could go to put in a garage.
OWalt gets OWned!

Huh? How so? My point was pretty clear, a developer would be reluctant to build on leased land and would prefer that it be unencumbered. Guess what, it is now unencumbered.

I am certainly not implying that I like any of this. It's a first-class mess, and the city has accepted a low value, but there appears to be little that can be done about it now.
Yes Hydro but that doesn't negate the incompetence and possible back room dealing that very possibly has gone on here.

All the more scary when the city is sitting on a possible $18 billion of property and might (and I say might) be selling some off.

Somebody got a really cheap burger in the deal.
It might be slated for a lower level condo, but you just KNOW that Bazis is going to put that big yellow M on the roof to make it the tallest condo in Toronto!;)
In addition to the increased property tax, Miller wants all that lovely land transfer tax he's gonna get from the condos.

For those suggesting inquiries and scandal etc. - the original deal was the scandal and there's not much left to inquire into now. 33 year rent review periods are ridiculous. The city could have gone for more rent, been taken to arbitration and been stuck with a low increase. They could have asked for more in the sale price but McDs knew they had the city over a barrel.

Yes we're not going to make as much as we could, but bottom line we're going to make more than we did before.
All this McCondo talk is making me crave a BigMac. Is it worth the 14 minute walk in this snowstorm to get a burger?

What's so classy about having a Starbuck's beneath your condo? Either way, I wonder if Bazi's is gonna buy the Lobby site as well? (Narrow Lobby frontage boxed in by highrises--what could go there?)

As well, looks like Museum House's million-dollar views are shot when this slab gets built: Ouch! (Plus it'll be super-noisy when under construction.)

Lanai's on Bloor--can't wait:)
Not to mention that the property taxes for these multi-million dollar units will be pretty hefty...
Apparently they're going to have a price indicator like at a gas station in front of the sales centre.
