nice indeed!
Nice!! Love the dramatic teaser of sights and stores in Yorkville - this is the kind of sexy image of Canada we should be broadcasting to tourists abroad, not stupidity like moose, wilderness, maple leaves, and totem poles.
Ehh. This looks like it's been done before. It doesn't look exciting to me. First thoughts: Casa called, they want their building back. Second thought: 12 degrees called, the want their 12 degrees back.
Ehh. This looks like it's been done before. It doesn't look exciting to me. First thoughts: Casa called, they want their building back. Second thought: 12 degrees called, the want their 12 degrees back.

What does it matter if it's been done somewhere else before? It's never been done in Toronto, and Toronto is where we live. Sure, as condovo pointed out, the New Museum in New York already did it, among other places, but I don't want to have to hop on a plane every time I want to take a gander at this kind of design.
Interesting render but I'm reminded of the phrase: "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me".
This design doesn't look like the sketches Varacalli had at the community meeting a couple of years ago. I doubt the design is the same now as it was then.

I suppose it doesn't matter if it looks like other things. For what it's worth, Pier 27 is also doing this sort of thing.

I'll have to wait to see better plans before I render further opinion.
Nice!! Love the dramatic teaser of sights and stores in Yorkville - this is the kind of sexy image of Canada we should be broadcasting to tourists abroad, not stupidity like moose, wilderness, maple leaves, and totem poles.

We shouldn't forget those things, either. But you're right, Canadians need to promote their cities as "icon Canadian" places too, because they are great places that are actually inhabited by Canadians in high densities.
Here, I put them together for you to make it more fluid.

i hope they improve the look of the ground floor. presently it's underwhelming.

also, the image of the building seems larger than the site it will occupy allows. are they going to build atop more than just the mcdonalds?

I bet those guys that own the Lobby building have plans for something that will piss off Exhibit owners...c.2014? :D (A smarter solution would be to sell density rights to the office tower next door, then either demo the office tower and build much higher or add another 40 floors on top.)
