Developer: Freed Developments
Architect: Core Architects
Address: 560 King St W, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2014
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 12 storeys
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All you have to do to see how this plays out is look at initial vs. resale value escalation between the two neighbourhoods and the Liberty Village area and north of it across the tracks is the clear winner. It's still undervalued at around $450-550/ft (although it sold around $250/ft 5 years ago and as little as $350/ft 2 years ago)and will also increase to the $600 range as more is completed and people can actually see what's happening.

dangerous game when you're buying for cap appreciation
You're out of pocket either way... The wall, or the custom made furniture divider.. and what if you have guests over and you want to have a quicky :)
And just when you thought the price of window blinds were going to kill your budget...
Or what if you have guests staying overnight, and you don't want a quicky, you want to 'make love' all night long... not great for the guests or you, unless i guess if everyone is involved...
This is modern condo construction we're talking about. Even if it was a walled-in bedroom, guests would still be able to hear you inside :p
I live in a condo and the walls and a closed door definitely make a difference. Having sex in essentially the same room as your guests (if there is no wall at all) really would be like living in a college dorm again (but paying WAY more for the privilege).
Sorry Shakyamuni but it's not false. I know exactly what the condo's in my building rent for (mine is 630 sq ft/1bed -$1650) and how much many of my friends all over downtown get for their's and it's all pretty much the same regardless of area with the exception being east of Yonge (cheaper) and the odd unit in Yorkville (higher).

You're right that west of Bathurst (notably the King/Strachan area) is the fringe of downtown but it's not the fringe of nightlife or "hipster cool". West Queen West/Ossington has King b/t Spadina and Bathurst beat hands down for that and is a 5 min walk. Not everybody wants to be in the middle of all the action and noise. Some like to be able to walk to/from it, and sleep when they get home.

I also own at the ICON II and that condo has appreciated more slowly, is worth less, and generates less rent than West of Spadina OR Bathurst because it IS in the middle of everything. Always something going on, which is fun, but you can't get away from it. Always party people puking, screaming, fighting, cars making noise, etc. Fun for a couple months and you learn to live with it, but conversely, you have to charge less rent to get it occupied.
I live in a condo and the walls and a closed door definitely make a difference. Having sex in essentially the same room as your guests (if there is no wall at all) really would be like living in a college dorm again (but paying WAY more for the privilege).

And not having the convenience of a floor full of sexy female undergrads whose inhibitions were lost 2 shotguns ago.
sorry if I am not following the new rules of conduct for UT by contributing something useful, but I just have to say: damn that was funny!
