
I recently toured this building and was pretty impressed with it. Awesome East views. Really nice fit and finish in the common areas. Does anyone know any other buildings that are this nice inside?? One thing that pissed me off was hearing this pretentious older (early 50s) couple bitching to the concierge about someone trashing the party room. "These are million dollar residences" Actually they start from the high 300s and were a lot less when u bought them pre-construction.. Ppl like that kill buildings.
That couple should have bought a house. Part of condo living is putting up with renters that don't give a F***. I'm sure they complain about the trash and cigarette buts in the stairwells too.
"That couple should have bought a house" is the most ridiculous twaddle. Condos are not an excuse to let social manners go: if anything it's where we should have better behaviour as we are forced to share things with others. So, trashing party rooms is not acceptable behaviour, and it means that if the condo board doesn't require deposits on booking the party room now, they will soon, and those people should never get access to the party room again. Those are the people who should be living in their own shack in the woods.
I recently toured this building and was pretty impressed with it. Awesome East views. Really nice fit and finish in the common areas. Does anyone know any other buildings that are this nice inside?? One thing that pissed me off was hearing this pretentious older (early 50s) couple bitching to the concierge about someone trashing the party room. "These are million dollar residences" Actually they start from the high 300s and were a lot less when u bought them pre-construction.. Ppl like that kill buildings.

I could not disagree more with you. Would you like to make a large investment to have people who either rent or own and don't care and devalue your investment?
Also, if you take pride in your residence and you suggested you were pretty impressed with the Lightbox, would you still have been impressed it if the common areas were trashed.
Perhaps the older couple "values and takes pride" in their "home". If everyone did, the building will continue to impress. If no one did, within a year no one would be either impressed and would have devalued their investment.
It is not these people that kill the buildings, rather the ones who do the trashing or those that just don't care.

Finally with regard to "million dollar residences" perhaps these individuals bought larger suites on higher floors that were in the million dollar range. However, whether $300K's or $1million or more is irrelevant. In my view it boils down to pride of ownership and the image you wish to project.
One thing that pissed me off was hearing this pretentious older (early 50s) couple bitching to the concierge about someone trashing the party room. "These are million dollar residences" Actually they start from the high 300s and were a lot less when u bought them pre-construction.. Ppl like that kill buildings.

My opinion - this comment takes the prize for utmost stupidity seen on the UT site for quite a while. A combination of lack of understanding of the requirements for consideration for each other between people living in proximity, along with a level of arrogance and intolerance towards people not of the same demographic as the poster. Here's hoping that APOM ends up moving into a building where the ignorant and inconsiderate pigs rule....
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My opinion - this comment takes the prize for utmost stupidity seen on the UT site for quite a while. A combination of lack of understanding of the requirements for consideration for each other between people living in proximity, along with a level of arrogance and intolerance towards people not of the same demographic as the poster. Here's hoping that APOM ends up moving into a building where the ignorant and inconsiderate pigs rule....

AHK: You sound like one of the pretentious dick's that makes buildings like this undesirable. You don't come off as being friendly. Do you even know the names of your neighbors? My Demographic?? And how would u know any of that about me??

First of all my main problem was that these people were implying that this is some sort of exclusive million dollar + building. Second it's a party room. If a mess was made then have whoever booked it be responsible. Beating the concierge down about an issue he is already aware of is pointless. Talk to management, have a board meeting etc..
People buying into any of these projects have to realize that a very large percentage of the suites will be tenanted - and tenants just don't give a damn. Does not bode well for the longevity of many of these buildings. Most of the "Landlords" have never been (and likely will never be) real Landlords - So who is going to be responsible for overall maintenance of the leased units? Nobody.
That couple should have bought a house. Part of condo living is putting up with renters that don't give a F***. I'm sure they complain about the trash and cigarette buts in the stairwells too.

The people you just criticized are the type of people I'd love to have in my condo.

Now, there are some things that you will just have to deal with while living in a condo, but having idiots treating it like their own personal litter box is not one of them. I really hope people don't share your same mindset when it comes to condo living.
People buying into any of these projects have to realize that a very large percentage of the suites will be tenanted - and tenants just don't give a damn. Does not bode well for the longevity of many of these buildings. Most of the "Landlords" have never been (and likely will never be) real Landlords - So who is going to be responsible for overall maintenance of the leased units? Nobody.

Tenants don't give a damn? What makes you think that? I am a tenant at X (have been for 2 years) and my unit is pristine. I take pride in both my unit and the building itself, even though I am a tenant. I may not be an owner of the unit, but I still pay rent. If I am a tenant and I am paying rent, does that not give me any rights to do or say anything about what goes on in the building? I am just as much a part of a building as anyone else. There are those tenants that probably don't give a damn, but it's not fair to paint every tenant with the same brush. In the end, when I move out - I am responsible for any damages to the unit and even living here, I am responsible for any damages done to the building itself (party room, lounge, elevators, parking etc). Who is responsible for the maintenance of the leased units, of course the tenant is, but that doesn't mean they will not be held responsible for the units when their lease expires.

Like with anyone, tenants have key fobs. When they are using the outdoor pool area, the party room, the games room etc - their names are written down by the concierge. If there is any damage, then those people will be responsible and will pay out of their pockets. apom is right, those that book the party room are responsible for the party room (making sure it's in the same condition as it was before).
I recently toured this building and was pretty impressed with it. Awesome East views. Really nice fit and finish in the common areas. Does anyone know any other buildings that are this nice inside??

I recently went to an open house and I 100% agree that this building is very beautiful. If anyone knows any other building which is as nice and in this price range, please share...

Netting is mostly removed from the east side of the building - seen here from the BAC


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