Welcome to UT, Harleyjuice!
I recently asked harleyjuice a question over at SSC:

Hey harleyjuice, I am surprised more of the top of the service elevators haven't been disassembled. Why are they leaving so much above the SEP and the floors you've finished?

Some was already taken down a few weeks ago, because it no longer reaches the top. So it can't be there for roof access...

What gives?

Just to keep us all updated, here is his answer:

They have been more focused on climbing the quads to keep production up, but apparently the focus will be on the hoist four pole soon. It all needs to come down together or there will be too much work at the end. Oh, yeah, new schedule. Finished in fourteen monthes. We started a different kind of schedule on Saturday. No more corkscrew now, but instead two climbs in one day every three days. Quads one and four (SW and NW) first, and then two and three (SE and NE) and so on. We'll see how long that keeps up. Seems like the plan changes every week so who knows.
from today
Now I'm thinking they should have built the walls higher to cover up the mechanical box.
Honestly so impressed with this building. Good on the owners for making such a huge investment.. we need to see more of this!
This is looking great! I only wish that they had done something with the antennas (and the mechanical box, if that's not asking for too much).
I'm not a fan of the dark glass in the corners but maybe it will grow on me. I would have liked the cladding extended skyward a bit to help hide the mechanical hutch and mess of antennas up there. That said, it's a much improved looking building so far.
I think the dark corners give the building a fresh new look -- they make the main cladding look more like a sheet attached to the side, rather than integral to the building structure. (I grant that might not be to everyone's liking, though.)
