Progress on the podium:



Bay St. side

Closeup of the new panels:
Mississauga Slim, would you mind filling us in on what you have pictured here? (And who took the photos, if not you.)

Pics are of the offices of a Pharmaceutical company in Pasedena, CA designed by Edward D. Stone who is also the architect of FCP. Source of photos is from:

This kind of lattice-style pattern appears to be a common theme in E. D. Stone's buildings, at least up until the mid 1960s. So it seems like an appropriate choice for the glass and lobby of FCP.
Thank you very much!

Thanks for that, Mississauga Slim. I feel better about it already.
The cladding looks great on the tower, but up close on the podium it really looks quite terrible. Cheap and tacky - especially when compared to the old marble.
Yes :( i really wish they had of left the marble or cleaned it up or something. The tower part looks amazing!!
Agreed. The podium is starting to look like a car showroom! Very strange choice to change the geometry of the pillars and add that transparent glass.
Only the outer walls of the podium seem to be clad in the greenish patterned glass. The inner walls along the street and leading to entrances have plain white glass panels.

The greenish tint of the podium glass makes the whole intersection slightly green. It sounds bad, but it actually has a cinematic quality to it, if that makes any sense (try crossing Bay Street on the north side walking west from BNS on an overcast day).
From Commerce Court. It's so clean. I love the backset office windows in the podium
what a great photo. what really is awesome is the light shining from beneath that shiny cladding. it's quite spectacular,... and the street wall of king looks great too. theatre park should be interesting here with those angled beams/lines.
what a great photo. what really is awesome is the light shining from beneath that shiny cladding. it's quite spectacular,... and the street wall of king looks great too. theatre park should be interesting here with those angled beams/lines.

Check me if I'm wrong, but Theate Park is quite a distance to the west, past York, University and Simcoe, about 500m These buildings will have no effect on each other except maybe from a distant south perspective. Did you mean that it "would" be interesting?
