I wonder what they'll do with the ceremonial "first stone" bit of marble with its tidbit of info. It could be saved in place, destroyed, put on display somewhere, or thrown into some storage area.
It will be nice to see FCP pure white again. I have also heard a few rumors about the Hilton on Richmond, The hotel is planing on re-cladding the exterior.
I also saw this letter from GM of the Hilton.

"The pool area is also scheduled for some refurbishment this year. The building exterior (which is original from 1974) will have a new sleek look soon with a spectacular glass and steel modernization. Stay tuned!"

Considering the thoughtful KPMB(?) interior redo and the fact that it's 2009, not 1999, I'd expect/hope that the exterior plans are in a similar Brutalist-reverential spirit...
wow, that would be quite the visionary example of re-use / recycling!

FCP won't be the first to do it. Chicago's Aon Centre's original marble cladding was also broken up for landscaping.


I wonder what they'll do with the ceremonial "first stone" bit of marble with its tidbit of info. It could be saved in place, destroyed, put on display somewhere, or thrown into some storage area.

Donate it to the Guild Inn, perhaps? That would be a more modern addition to their collection of historic Toronto building parts.
Donate it to the Guild Inn, perhaps? That would be a more modern addition to their collection of historic Toronto building parts.

Though the "first stone" bit would no longer be relevant, but the date of the beginning of construction is still pertinent, so as long as the building is still standing it would be nice for it to be visible somewhere on the premises.
Well, they could always use the FCP marble to clad and give extra oomph to the modern wing of the Guild Inn...oops, too late
I have also heard a few rumors about the Hilton on Richmond, The hotel is planing on re-cladding the exterior.
I also saw this letter from GM of the Hilton.

"The pool area is also scheduled for some refurbishment this year. The building exterior (which is original from 1974) will have a new sleek look soon with a spectacular glass and steel modernization. Stay tuned!"


Gabe, I suggest you start a thread on that. It's a pretty significant development, coming from what seems to be a legitimate official @ Hilton.

Unfortunately, the hotel in the vicinity that really needs exterior work done is the Sheraton.
Well, looks like I'm late with the Guild Inn suggestion. They could put it beside the bits of the Toronto Star Building; or hell, they could further demolish the Star's remains and place FCP's stone on top of its ruins. Pay homage to history.
Well, the Guild also has remains of the Bank of Montreal and North American Life and maybe the Globe & Mail as well--all demolished for FCP...
I was in Chicago a few weeks ago, and one thing I noticed (and I didn't have to see it in person to realize this) is that both the Sears Tower and the Hancock Center both have very stylish antennae on top. They could just be spires, but I'm pretty sure the guy on the boat tour said they were communication towers.

Why didn't FCP at least try to make their towers more aesthetically pleasing? I've always thought the antennae on the top look horrible and out of place.

Anyone agree?
^ Definitely agree. The mess that's up there that seems to have increased and accumulated over the years should be cleaned up. A nice white spire with built in anntenae should accompany the recladding.
I love the mess of spires and transmission towers atop BMO - a little Blade Runner in Toronto. Now if only we could get the TD Center to belch flame every once in awhile we'd be set.
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I was in Chicago a few weeks ago, and one thing I noticed (and I didn't have to see it in person to realize this) is that both the Sears Tower and the Hancock Center both have very stylish antennae on top. They could just be spires, but I'm pretty sure the guy on the boat tour said they were communication towers.
They are communication towers and they're very similar to the top of the CN Tower, actually - just smaller and doubled up.

It's probably a matter of being planned for from day 1 and not being added onto a little at a time, like FCP. I doubt capacity at the CN Tower has been reached, so this is probably a cheaper alternate option?

A single Sears-like spire would look really good up there.

That said - about the cladding - were aluminum composite panels ever considered? They're lightweight and very durable and likely cost a lot less than an alternate stone or glass finish. It would be very easy to alternate colors in if they wish to break up the horizontal windows as many have suggested. (other materials can do this also, of course).
