So my brilliant mind is thinking: will they start at the top (so marble slabs don't come loose and kill construction workers) or from the bottom (so marble slabs do tumble down and kill ugly office workers?)
I sure hope this is true. Although I am not a big fan of the building in general, a granite reclad would go a long way in making it a respectable building.
If FCP is reclad, I hope a few million dollars are set aside to add a proper roof element on top, and finally make the building an official "supertall".
Lets hope, but with the cost of recladding this, I doubt it.

Hey 3D - where did you find out that FCP will be fixed up in 2008?
Not so much of an extension is needed - but some consolidation. Right now it looks like a pair of ol' rabbit ears were plopped on top. Absolutely no sense of style for what they portray to be a signature building.

I'm kidding. It looks terrible. A nice cylinder black or white antenna would be nice though.
^ Which is why granite is so much better as a cladding than marble. The particular type of marble used on FCP is apparently notorious for soaking up pollution like a sponge, which also allows the material to dissolve more quickly.

Granite, on the other hand, since it is mainly silicon dioxide (quartz), as well as other 'tough' minerals, is effectively untouched by pollution.

Losing the antennas would be great, or reducing it to one main antenna but that's probably wishful thinking. I'm not sure I'd want the roof to be changed although I do like wyliepoon's sketchups of the roofline a couple of pages back.
They could keep the antennas, but get IM Pei to come back and do a glass pyramid on top- (a la le louvre dans Paris).

Pei did Commerce Court. FCP funnily enough was Edward Stone. You'd think a guy named Stone would know how to clad a building.
^^I stand corrected. Thanks.
I was always under the impression that he had done FCP- I remember during my studies at Architecture school (Austria) that someone mentioned Pei having completed a project in Toronto- a bank tower- white- etc., and automatically since then I assumed it was FCP.

In that case, hire me to build a pyramid on the roof.

^ Speaking of pyramids, what's the story with the picture of the giant pyramid on the TO waterfront, currently at the top of these pages? How many slaves would be needed to build that thing?
God people, how about they just reclad the building and leave the design alone? Seriously, a pyramid on top? Do you have any idea how tacked on and ugly that would look? FCP was designed top to bottom to be a box, period. Adding, to borrow the term, pippypoos and doodads would just be wrong. It'd be like taking a perfectly good Volvo and adding neon lights and a fart muffler.
Speaking of pyramids, what's the story with the picture of the giant pyramid on the TO waterfront, currently at the top of these pages? How many slaves would be needed to build that thing?
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yeah i know it's off the fcp topic but what the fcp is that? and what is that long north/south structure that seems to empty out onto university ave? does anyone know?
