The counter at the kiosk in the FCP lobby has moved to the 56th floor. Seems to be picking up a little momentum.
Separate contract, installed from the interior, arrangmements with tenants to prevent pressure differential from tearing apart workstations

Is it just me or is "Emergency Exit" printed on the windows as if you were reading them from outside?
Is it just me or is "Emergency Exit" printed on the windows as if you were reading them from outside?

I'm assuming this is a poor joke? Or do you really think those exits are for people who choose to jump out of their 70th story office window in the event of an emergency?
The "Emergency Exits" were for the workers of the re-cladding platform, in case of an emergency and they couldn't wait for the service elevators. That's why the words are legible from outside and not backwards as they would be if they were from the inside.
March 24th:

Today the platforms on the east side were lowered completing another two levels since Feb. 23rd.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Another two floors completed as the east platforms were moved down today. This was done in record time, just under two weeks!

March 24th:

Another two floors completed as the east platforms were moved down today. This was done in record time, just under two weeks!

The better weather, and better understanding of the tile replacement procedure over the past year or so has given the workers the edge. Finally!
The better weather, and better understanding of the tile replacement procedure over the past year or so has given the workers the edge. Finally!

I'm sure come May the warmer weather will make things much easier on them. I can only imagine how frozen they must be up there on a windy cold day. I would imagine during the summer time it would actually be quite pleasant up there. Nice sunshine and a cool breeze.
Peeling marble off First Canadian Place fosters Toronto pride

The job requires three workers; One slices the putty with an Xacto knife, another pries off the slab with a nail bar and the three then heave it onto a wooden rack to schlep down the hoist for recycling. Marble in good condition they cut into smaller slabs for exterior use, some lesser pieces become tiles; the rest they crush and use for landscaping chips or as clean fill.

On the top platform — the 56th floor, on Thursday — workers with Sota Glazing Inc. use huge steel arms with electric suction cups to affix new 8-foot by 10-foot sheets of triple-layer glass on brackets that steelworkers have attached to the building. Each sheet replaces eight pieces of marble.

“The guys are happy. Morale is a big thing,†says a smiling Nino Pastore, general foreman for Sota. He has 26 guys working the day shift, 13 at night, and now four for the midnight shift.

“We had a rough winter,†he adds. “My job is to motivate the guys, keep spirits up. They don’t get full paycheques when we close the job during bad weather [if the wind tops 50 km/h or the temperature falls below -16C]. But they bounced back pretty good.â€

looking good in the late day light on Saturday:



The monitor in the FCP lobby has now moved to the 55th floor. Current pace since the weather started improving seems to be about one floor per week, or maybe a bit faster. Still it's interesting contemplating that if this pace continues we're still looking at around a year to complete the project.
