The monitor in the FCP lobby has now moved to the 55th floor. Current pace since the weather started improving seems to be about one floor per week, or maybe a bit faster. Still it's interesting contemplating that if this pace continues we're still looking at around a year to complete the project.

If they don't finish by the time winter comes, at least they'll be close enough to the bottom that they'll be somewhat sheltered from the wind by the buildings around them.

Also, as they go down the building, the supply line gets shorter, which will allow for a slight increase in speed.
Triple threat: FCP, Trump and SL looking good from Queen and Spadina Apr18:

April 6th:

Another two floors completed as the east platforms were moved down today. This was done in record time, just under two weeks!

Two more floors are complete as of today, this took 13 days. I took the usual photo updates but there is a problem with Photobucket for many users. They are promising to have affected accounts back up today or tomorrow so I'll update this post once it's up again.

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I visited La Défense in Paris today... when I saw the Grande Arche again, I remembered it was also clad in marble, and it made me think of FCP. Then I walked around the building, and lo and behold, they are recladding it! A sign explains why (I think we all know the reason), and specifies that it is now illegal to clad buildings in marble. Unlike FCP though, they chose to reclad in granite. I am not sure if they will do the entire building at this point, but if they do, it will certainly change its appearance, as the granite slabs are quite darker.
Two more floors are complete as of today, this took 13 days. I took the usual photo updates but there is a problem with Photobucket for many users. They are promising to have affected accounts back up today or tomorrow so I'll update this post once it's up again.

oh dear... FCP's top part (the new part) looks kinda old for some reason, or dirtied, or it could just be me,
Well, a click on the thumbnails reveals solid, unblemished cladding, so I'd say it's just you. (???)

no, i did look at the larger file, but it's just something about the tile look that reminds me of the old look, of course it's better than the old, but looks way better on clear days,
I agree Steveve. I think dt_geek managed to capture the new cladding on a cloudy day without it looking minty green. That is one of the first where the new cladding looks almost as "white" as 250 Yonge Street.

(BTW I love your signature video Steveve. I am still laughing. :D )
Indeed, it was an overcast day and I had to push the brightness considerably.
Sensational shots, but what a brown, depressing mess Toronto is this time of year.

Indeed, I just came back from the sunnyy and lush green South and what a difference- dreary to be sure! As for FCP, it's looking much more spiffy, but at the same time losing dominance as the 'ivory tower' of the FD.
