A rezoning application has been submitted for a proposed mixed-use development, comprised of two residential towers of 57s and 20s built with a 6 storey podium. The proposal includes 702 Residential units and 5 levels of underground parking with 540 parking spaces and retail at grade. This property is part of the block that is the First Parliament Site - this site contains sub-surface archaeological remnants of Canada's First Parliament buildings from 1798.

I don't get it, does this mean now that there is going to be a plaque at best on the site? it's just going to be another tower at an intersection that is in no way appropriate for 57s?

Who are the architects?
If this proposal was just across the street I wouldn't be bothered by it at all. Too tall for the neighborhood? Look at the distillery. Thats the last place you'd think a tower would successfully fit in, and funny enough it is among the best in the city for enhancing the public realm and 'giving back' to the area. It hardly hinders the district at all. On top of that, the next two towers look even better.

My problem here, like I said before, is that this should be a large open square with a fountain. Its one of the last big unused sites downtown that actually has a reason to become a square other then just to make more open space.

The solution? who knows. Its complicated because this is probably just some guy getting more value for his land. If it is a serious proposal I wish there was some way the city could "trade" sites (I know, I know - fantasy land) and let them build even taller, The who cares if its too big? We get a supertall and a great public space out of it. Ok, back to reality...
Interesting. I really like the idea of a monument, or perhaps a commemorative archway at the end of the Esplanade. Actually I really like that street's potential, with it's vistas of the downtown and trees and park along the south side, it has potential to be a really nice boulevard.
I wish there was some way the city could "trade" sites (I know, I know - fantasy land) and let them build even taller, The who cares if its too big? We get a supertall and a great public space out of it. Ok, back to reality...

If you read further up the thread you would see that lands swaps are not only possible but have already occurred. The former Porsche Dealer site now belongs to the Ontario Heitage Foundation thanks to a swap involving the City (the former TTC turning circle at King/Parliament) and the Ontario Realty Corppration (land at Front/Eastern/Trinity). Admittedly super talls were not built on any of the sites but swaps DID happen (about 6 years ago) and now a further swap is under discussion - possibly for the land east of Parliament where the public library administrative centre and the Green P parking are.
As much as I would love to see a square or something, I'd be happy to settle with an arch like mentioned before and maybe a few artist renderings or information on the excavation. Maybe a montage of the historical events surrounding it? I.e. the burning of the white house
What about a series of monuments along Front or King, or whatever turns out to be the main east/west artery of Old Town linking St. Lawrence, Parliament site, and the Distillery, that commemorates the major historic figures of the province (and the nation in some cases). I'm thinking of something along the lines of an O'Connell Street in Dublin. Maybe Simcoe, Brock, Secord, Joseph Brant, Sir John A... others?
And if, as I anticipate, a Ramblas/Esplanade pedestrian link between the downtown core and the Distillery becomes the major thoroughfare, we ought to see bronzes of Crombie, Sewell, Sparrow, Jaffary and Heap up there on pedestals.
And if, as I anticipate, a Ramblas/Esplanade pedestrian link between the downtown core and the Distillery becomes the major thoroughfare, we ought to see bronzes of Crombie, Sewell, Sparrow, Jaffary and Heap up there on pedestals.

Is there a possibility of extending The Esplanade, right through the park and into Mill Street? That would be a good thing. I always thought it was funny how The Esplanade just came to an akward stop at the park.
Is there a possibility of extending The Esplanade, right through the park and into Mill Street? That would be a good thing. I always thought it was funny how The Esplanade just came to an akward stop at the park.

I would say that the residents of The Esplanade would NOT think it a 'good thing'. The Esplanade is a residential district with a school (or three) and making it an alternative to Front or Lakeshore is really not necessary.
Is there a possibility of extending The Esplanade, right through the park and into Mill Street? That would be a good thing. I always thought it was funny how The Esplanade just came to an akward stop at the park.

It isn't an "awkward stop" once you see it as a future pedestrian district, anchored at the east end by the sort of significant cultural building we're hoping for, though.
A few details:

  • 271 Front Inc. submitted a rezoning application in February
  • Two towers of 20 and 57 storeys
  • Each with a base of 6-to-7-storeys
  • 702 residential units
  • Plans are to build around the sensitive archaeological site where the first parliament buildings were built in 1798 and burned by American troops in 1812.
  • Archaeological digs confirm some foundations and possible walls of the original buildings lie below the surface.
  • Second parliament was built on site in 1819, but that burned down five years later
  • City and Province own other portions of first parliament site
  • A commemorative or interpretive open space is contemplated as part of the proposal
  • A staff report is anticipate to the TEYCC in Q2-2011 with respect to rezoning the parliament site from reinvestment to parks

A low-res rendering from NRU:

Could this in fact be a serious proposal? At first I thought that this proposal was a blatant attempt to drive up the value of the land before the current owner is forced to sell to the City, but it looks like some real thought was put into this. In particular, what makes me think that this might be a real proposal is the attention being paid to preserving the First Parliament site.

If the First Parliament site is preserved, are there still objections to building 57 and 20 storeys in the area around the site?
