I noticed an orange glow this morning too and an unusual sunset last night. I guess that's the cause? Crazy that it could move that far east
A few summers ago I recall a distinct haze in the sky that many probably attributed as smog but was actually from wildfires in Alberta. It happens, and is only going to become more common.
when i lived in Kelowna we used to have snowfall in winter, rainfall in spring and ashfall in Summer.
I've seen the wildfire smoke from Alberta or BC in Switzerland a few years back. It sure travels great distances.
it's sad cause half of these fires are caused by stupid people, who decide to throw a cigarette in the woods or go camping and do not put out the fire properly. these kind of people should have life time sentences.
This will elevate that intersection especially if executed well. The Church street corridor is developing a nice variety of styles, with the Reyerson residence, Stanley, 411 Church and even Alter
