I think that gas station is quite convienient and in a perfect place. I don't see why people want it gone.

Where would people get gas??

Plenty of trendy restos in the neighbourhood *urp*
More likely that the old factory building on the south side of the square would disappear. They can certainly do something better than that with the property. A nice mid-rise would fit well in its place.

Er...it's been in the Inventory of Heritage Properties practically since Day One
49 SPADINA AV Commercial 20 Architectural Contextual Steele Briggs Seeds; 1911, Sproatt & Rolph -adopted by City Council on June 20, 1973

Other than its standing all by itself, what's so inappropriate or inadequate about the building? It's certainly integral to what remains of early-c20 industrial-loft-era Spadina mythology...
Er...it's been in the Inventory of Heritage Properties practically since Day One
49 SPADINA AV Commercial 20 Architectural Contextual Steele Briggs Seeds; 1911, Sproatt & Rolph -adopted by City Council on June 20, 1973

Other than its standing all by itself, what's so inappropriate or inadequate about the building? It's certainly integral to what remains of early-c20 industrial-loft-era Spadina mythology...

Good lord its a heritage building??? that thing is absolutely hideous... it needs to go!

the first thing most people see when entering downtown off the gardiner is that decrepid old building... i've always wondered why in the world it's still standing.
Good lord its a heritage building??? that thing is absolutely hideous... it needs to go!

the first thing most people see when entering downtown off the gardiner is that decrepid old building... i've always wondered why in the world it's still standing.

If anyone needs to go, it's you...far, far from Toronto...
Yeah, why would you want to get rid of this building? It just needs a little attention! Clean it up a bit, and the neighbourhood stays grounded with some history. Get rid of it, and you gradually Mississaugafy Clarence Square. Eww!

That's a great building.

Residents of the Apex condos across the street are fighting development in the parking lot in front of it because they don't want to lose their views.
lol... you guys are hillarious.

I actually live and work right around this area so I'm quite certain that I see that ugly building much more than any of you. I think it's hideous and needs to go.

In regards to the "pro-suburban views", I live and work downtown... I'm rarely in the suburbs these days. I chose to move from the suburbs to downtown Toronto, so I obviously personally saw some benefit to that lifestyle.

However having grown up in a suburb I am in the enlightened position to be able to comment on and compare both. Sadly, most people here aren't... and just make baseless arguments. Juvenile almost.
That building is historic and should be saved. It's only ugly because the landowner has done a piss-poor job maintaining it. It could certainly be restored and look as nice as any of the buildings up the street at King.

I wish we had ten more of these in the area, in fact.
A little TLC is all the building needs. The sidewalk needs some work as well along Spadina.
Well after walking by the building again a few more times and taking a closer look, perhaps it isn't all that bad. Needs quite a bit of work though.

I upgrade my opinion from "it should be torn down" to "i could go either way"
As another resident of the area, and someone who also "has to look at this building every day", I'm appalled that someone would suggest demolishing it. It's great and would be much better if fixed up a bit. Definitely integral to the character of King/Spadina.
