This has been reworked; tower 1—now 36 storeys from 30—now fronts Bathurst and St. Clair on its own while towers 2 and 3 share a podium with a City-run daycare. Floor plates have been reduced to 788, 782 and 773 square metres. Lot coverage has been reduced to 62 percent from 76 percent. Parkland dedication moved from the eastern portion of the site to the corner of Bathurst and St. Clair, POPS links up to it and provides a mid-block connection. Townhomes and retail space included. Parking garage floorplate decreased, now spans five levels rather than three. 866 residential units.

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Looks like a thorough improvement from the beginning concepts. While the architecture is overall a positive, the biggest gain is shifting the park/square towards the corner of St. Clair & Bathurst. Especially with the potential to have patio space opening up towards the public for the corner retail unit as depicted in the rendering.
I like it. I think it's going to feel a lot roomier at the intersection with that open space. I live in the area, and right now the intersection and the sidewalk on the north side of St. Clair West east of the intersection feel really cramped.
Overall it looks fantastic; the towers and the massing are perfect for this location, and the shift in the parkland location will do wonders for the site. However there's only one outstanding problem in my eyes: the podium looks awful and doesnt compliment the 2 westernmost towers at all.
New plans went up in Feb - not too much detail but I don’t see any curves.

Zoning Approved for St. Clair & Bathurst Development

June 26, 2020

The Zoning By-law Application for 1467 Bathurst St. (the St. Mikes former Petro Canada station) was approved by Toronto & East York Community Council on June 18, 2020 with an Addendum to address the concerns raised by the CLRA related to (i) traffic congestion and related by-pass through our neighbourhood and (ii) assurances that there has been full remediation of the contaminants emanating from the former Petro Canada gas station on the site.

On June 25th Councillor Matlow organized a Conference Call with the CLRA that involved representatives from City Planning and Transportation. We were informed in that call that the next major milestone is the approval of the site plan. The site plan process will take some time and as part of that process there will be community consultation to review the construction management plan and the impact on traffic and what amelioration can be achieved. We emphasized that all construction staging should be managed on site so that no traffic lane or sidewalk will be closed on Bathurst or St. Clair.

We will not likely see any massive change in the development proposal at this time as the developer now has his zoning approval. Nevertheless there is still the opportunity to deal with the traffic and congestion issues of concern to our community. We are pleased that Councillor Matlow is on our side with respect to these important community issues. He has requested that the CLRA be incorporated into a working group involving the developer and the City during the whole process. The site plan discussions will likely take place this fall. We will keep you informed.

That is not zoning approval. That is TEYCC recommending that City Council approve it at its next meeting in September.

