This model seems far too rough to me to be able to base a judgement upon it yet. It looks like there's a cup in the top middle for the sake of getting the shape. I wouldn't read too much into yet.

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A Guggenheim satellite by Gehry, a Louvre satellite by Jean Nouvel and a British Museum satellite by Norman Foster.

While the brand-whore absolute monarchies have the money to build all these instant mega museums (I'm guessing with those indentured slave labourers the UAE is famous for), they don't have enough wealth to fill them the proper art.

We have the opposite problem here...we have the art collection and just need the appropriate home for it. The small space planned for the roof of the warehouse isn't going to cut could only display a few of those large pieces at any given time, although it would allow for heavy rotation (I would go all the time if need be). I think perhaps Mirvish & Gehry could get together with the city to do something really funky with the Canada Malting has the kind of heroic style space the color field collection requires.
We should have an architects and developers subforum. I'm surprised this doesn't exist here yet.
I like the glass tiles that Gehry developed for this project. I wonder if something along those lines could be used here, but I bet it would be cost prohibitive.

There is also the issue of views - these cladding units won't allow for clear vision outward - not something that would matter for a gallery, but of paramount importance for condos.

