Golf Town has closed their location here as of last weekend - their lease was up at the end of this month anyways.
There is nothing new in that tweet - the rendering is available in the public docs, and ditto asking people to sign up for their list.

As to affordability - better get used to it, Toronto isn't getting smaller and expectations must change accordingly, along the lines of what every other large growing city in the world experiences. If one have a beef about affordability, one should perhaps ask why do we still have such a large detached housing inventory in the core that is for all intents and purposes un-densify/redevelopable?


How many of those in the downtown area are still used as single family.
Would be interesting to the main cause of a decline Was it a reversal back to single family, conversions to commercial or, the decline in family size for those that have remained single family.

The condo/rental apartment market is definitely bloated but, it's hard to gauge what effect that will have on pricing once investors lose confidence on a continued upward trajectory for value. There's no money in the income generated. We've seen total collapses before too.
It sounds like some of the more challenging issues regarding infrastructure and building height have also been settled now.
It sure. Anything like that has never been built here.
The shape is very difficult to built. It will take new technology to achieve it and i think it will take 5-6 years to become a reality.
While it's true that nothing like it (them) has been built here, I don't see why it would take new technology.
While it's true that nothing like it (them) has been built here, I don't see why it would take new technology.

It will take mew technology because there is no cladding and shape like that in the world.
Do you know how hard it was to build Burj Khalifa
(Dubai),absolute towers(Mississauga) or flame tower (Baku).
All these towers needed new technology to be built. Mirvish will not be exception.
The tower on the left doesn't look unlike Gehry's Beekman Tower.



photo by Magnus Mansky
