I think that marketing will start very soon.
The project is already approved and Great Gulf has the reputation to build
beautiful buildings. So i am very optimistic about the design of the building.
It's the best time to be on Urban Toronto.
If construction is starting in 2018, does this mean that construction financing has been lined up? If so, does this mean that 70% of the value of the units have already been reserved by nameless buyers?
Very difficult to fill out Agreements of Purchase & Sale to buyers without names.
If construction starts next year, how soon might we see at least substantial completion? I’m excited to see this jewel rise on our skyline. Enough with the renders!
Why would they alter the current proposal? They didn't alter 1 Bloor when they acquired it.
I don't know, but Im sure it happens all the time. Id obviously prefer it to stay as it is.

I’d expect that Mirvish and Gehry stipulated that the design remain intact. Gehry won’t want his prized design watered down.

Edit: Gehry NOT Ghery
Hope you're right :)
I'd imagine a condition of sale was the retention of Gehry as the design architect. Not too sure they could prevent any cheapening from the current design - there will likely be some value engineering done to this. It'll still be a Gehry at the end of the day though.
Why would they alter the current proposal? They didn't alter 1 Bloor when they acquired it.
Great Gulf entirely altered 1 Bloor when they acquired it; it was a totally new design. In this case, however, you only need read the statements to know that they intend to go ahead with the Gehry plan. There might be little tweaks, but we know the broad strokes.

