That article is lazy, claiming that the taller of the two towers here "will supersede" Mizrahi's One Bloor, without explaining in what way. One assumes they mean by height… and if they do mean that, they're wrong.

Picture of the model

. One assumes they mean by height… and if they do mean that, they're wrong.

Ugh;''really?.... i wouldn't go around vouching on any 300+ meter building proposal that has a 1 meter deference in height
I thought this projects final height was never 'set in stone? anyways anything is possible with a variance to either bldgs. final height
Ugh;''really?.... i wouldn't go around vouching on any 300+ meter building proposal that has a 1 meter deference in height
I thought this projects final height was never 'set in stone? anyways anything is possible with a variance to either bldgs. final height

There is a site-specific OPA for this site which establishes the maximum heights of the two towers as 305 metres and 275 metres (inclusive of mechanical). There will not be a variance, because the CofA has no authority to vary the Official Plan.
Don't think you need a variance to replace Gehry with Graziani and drop the heights to 157 metres. This is Toronto afterall.
Right this is all very interesting, but is this project getting built?
Yes. Indicated by recent full-page newspaper ads, recently submitted planning documents, and many other signs evident to those paying attention.
