Developer: Great Gulf, Dream Unlimited, Westdale Properties
Architect: Gehry Partners
Address: 266 King St W, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail), Institutional
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 1
Height: 1,011 ft / 308.00 mStoreys: 84 storeys
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If people want to talk about the project, why not let them? Does there have to be news in order for to post in this thread?

Ah - the existential question about the purpose and usefulness of the Urbantoronto web site. Should it be a site where people can keep up to date with developments in the Toronto area - new projects being announced, progress and status through the review and (generally hopefully) approval process, and then the ongoing changes as construction progrresses. Along with some insight as to the nature of the architecture, whether good, indifferent, or bad (again hopefully along with some context providing justification and backup for the opinion).

Or should it be a site for the endless self-stroking by individuals seeking to post meaningless opinions or endlessly repetitive pictures of the same thing (or if not exactly the same, without any comment as to what is changed, what one should be looking for, as reason for the picture to be posted)?

To answer your question specifically - to go on with endless commentary about the speculative status about the this project - would it not be more appropriate, and certainly more considerate of other users of the site who might be more interested in actual information rather than endless rumour, to discuss the project privately with your friends and family,. if....
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I think there is room for many types of conversations. Almost like a type of open forum. You seek “actual information”, the latest update on Charisma is shoring has started. Personally I have no interest in that project. But I don’t call for threads to be closed because they bore me.

M&G is of such importance to some of us that speculation is of interest. Every couple of years people like to speculate in WTF is really going on. I speculate that whatever this new report says M&G is in real trouble for 3 reasons:

1) Toronto real estate cycle is long in the tooth
2) stock markets are correcting because of the virus, is sign of economic slowdown
3) urban activists have over-ruled elected First Nations chiefs desire to have jobs and pipeline revenues. This severely damaged Cda while USA enjoys a massive oil fracking renaissance.

GG incredible slowness means it will be very hard to proceed with a 92 story tower, which could have sold out if brought to market earlier.
3) urban activists have over-ruled elected First Nations chiefs desire to have jobs and pipeline revenues. This severely damaged Cda while USA enjoys a massive oil fracking renaissance.
LOL, that's quite a hot take... M+G isn't getting built because we've fallen behind in fracking. ?
Ah - the existential question about the purpose and usefulness of the Urbantoronto web site. Should it be a site where people can keep up to date with developments in the Toronto area - new projects being announced, progress and status through the review and (generally hopefully) approval process, and then the ongoing changes as construction progrresses. Along with some insight as to the nature of the architecture, whether good, indifferent, or bad (again hopefully along with some context providing justification and backup for the opinion).

Or should it be a site for the endless self-stroking by individuals seeking to post meaningless opinions or endlessly repetitive pictures of the same thing (or if not exactly the same, without any comment as to what is changed, what one should be looking for, as reason for the picture to be posted)?

To answer your question specifically - to go on with endless commentary about the speculative status about the this project - would it not be more appropriate, and certainly more considerate of other users of the site who might be more interested in actual information rather than endless rumour, to discuss the project privately with your friends and family,. if....

No one is preventing you or anyone else from keeping up to date on this project by simply speculating. Don't be a dick.
LOL, that's quite a hot take... M+G isn't getting built because we've fallen behind in fracking. ?
Well, actions have consequences. Think about it: late stage real estate cycle, less wealth from stock market, a strangled Alberta impacting cdn economy. How does a 92 story building proceed in that context?
I know you were kidding. But I assure you the urban activists probably don’t know a slowing economy will absolutely affect them directly as social programs get dialed back. It’s not just condo towers and other people. We all will suffer more than we know.
No one is preventing you or anyone else from keeping up to date on this project by simply speculating. Don't be a dick.

I guess that endless meaningless speculations can be a useful preoccupation for those who have absolutely nothing better, more constructive or profitable to do with their time.

I guess that endless meaningless speculations can be a useful preoccupation for those who have absolutely nothing better, more constructive or profitable to do with their time.

Elon Musk finds time to tweet, kid around and play video games. And he’s probably busier than you.
In my experience, no-one who talks about how valuable their time is, is correct. In fact your continual interference in our conversation is proof.
If I had a dime for everyone who claims to be super-busy....
Anyway I’ll let you get back to overseeing your empire lol.
Ok, out of pity for those who are annoyed and yet cannot bring themselves to ignore this conversation let’s close the thread and wait passively for the bad news, assuming there is any news.
I am struck by how delicate people are here if they can’t even bear to know a conversation exists which they are free to ignore.
Here''s the thing. You're a new member so I get that you wouldn't necessarily know this, but on UT historically it's been considered bad form to keep threads going without any actual news - the classic case is someone waking up a thread by posting something like "any news about this? What's happening?"

It's not intended to be a place where you can feel free to act peevishly, dissing your fellow members for disagreeing with you, or speculating endlessly about all manner of things that have precious little to do with the project in question. But perhaps UT is changing in fundamental ways and I'm simply not keeping up with the times; still, seems to me the general tenor of this thread of late just seems pointlessly juvenile and caustic.
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Ugh.... I feel like I'm watching a group of tykes acting out in kindergarten. Can we just leave this thread alone until actual news informs it? Please.

Or, you could just not visit this thread. That could be a thing you could do.

The only difference between posting now with no news, and not posting at all is that people are deciding to post rather than leaving the thread dormant. Either way, there's no news, so what real difference does it make? That it gets your hope up for two seconds? Come on....
