
FYI, the site in question is govered by the King-Spadina secondary plan, not the Tall Buildings Guidelines.

Thanks for making the distinction. I'm aware that the site is outside the Tall Buildings Guidelines study area. Nevertheless, having structures at 90-storeys at this location weakens the arguments made for some of the height restrictions in the study. Again, it sets the precedent. Similar to what the Minto towers did for Y&E. I'm also thankful for the introduction of the various design review committees over the years since in the not too distant past the quality of architecture wasn't given much if any significance in the planning process. You will also find no disagreement from me on community benefits. I'm really impressed at what the city was able to extract for the Menkes condos at 90 Harbour.
I would have never guessed that the theatre would disappear, considering the investment in it and the art (Stella's great works). Its a shame it cant be incorporated. We are losing more "entertainment" in this district to condos, once again.

But I am excited about the project. (although I think that its coming at the wrong time as the "boom" is probably over for a while).

And its no wonder Mirvish had no issues with the height of Theatre Park.

The anchor component is a new theatre.
Anyone has any idea if this is a recent/real proposal?


From the sketches in the video it looks like the towers will cover 1.5 block along King, including the Princess of Wales Theatre.
where is the video????????????????
I wish a replacement theatre was part of this complex (but love the addition of two art gallery spaces). Otherwise, it's a big, bold vision, the type that UrbanToronto people are always talking about. Given it's location facing Metro Hall/David Pecaut Square, there will be great views of these new structures--and the buildings themselves will offer great views to residents.

where is the video????????????????

I wish a replacement theatre was part of this complex (but love the addition of two art gallery spaces). Otherwise, it's a big, bold vision, the type that UrbanToronto people are always talking about. Given it's location facing Metro Hall/David Pecaut Square, there will be great views of these new structures--and the buildings themselves will offer great views to residents.

Maybe it is... It's just being kept hush hush so that there is SOMETHING to announce tomorrow that isn't already known!
How many theatres would be left in the "Theatre District"? Three?
I wonder if this property will incorporate various "community benefits" to make it more compelling to city planners and city council. For example, Gehry's 8 Spruce Street in NYC incorporates space for a school and a hospital. The Mirvish/Gerhy property, in addition to the art space for OCAD, might include daycare space, community theatre space, or some of the other features we're seeing in the new Regent Park. Their location is right across from Metro Hall, where a lot of city gov't agencies exist, so why not a community/youth employment office, or a health care centre? And what about some family-friendly units, or residences geared to seniors or lower income residents? With three towers, they can surely segment them in different ways, catering to different demographics and income levels. If the three buildings are designated solely to high-income professionals, then it will be less palatable to me.

Mirvish's recent announcement of "Off-Mirvish," their new Off Broadway-style subscription series, it does seem like they are looking to diversify their theatre offerings and not just focus on Broadway-sized shows (despite the demise of Dancap, which gives them back their virtual monopoly). I suppose they could use the Elgin/Winter Garden and possibly the Sony Centre as venues for shows following the demise of the Princess of Wales.

Edit to add: Just noticed that on Twitter the talk seems to be "Princess of Wales Theatre to be demolished for condos." I think they need to deflect that talk and show how this complex will provide benefits to the city beyond just 'more condos.' The loss of the theatre is big, but a theatre can be replaced. But the addition of two new art spaces, classrooms, lecture halls, shops and restaurants, and possible other features--these are all to gain by this project.
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Day care? Community centre? How about a school? If this is really going to displace suburban development, kids need a place to learn. The school at cityplace going to have enough capacity for 5k families?
The Princess of Wales opened in 1993 - just two years after Barton Myers' post-modern new wing of the Art Gallery of Ontario opened up.

Frank Gehry strikes again!

(but seriously... what a waste.)
6 pages in 1 day... that's gotta be some sorta record!!!

wow! this came outta nowhere! the scale of this project is insane. these towers are SO close together, in an area (that currently) is very low-rise dominated (although it won't be for long), not to mention, it's right across from Metro Hall.

Crazy that the city would approve of a project of this magnitude. i mean, 3 TOWERS! right next to eachother with crazy designs. straight out of dubai.
If these are to get approved, i'd rather see some more height variation between the towers.. and have more of a stepping stone effect (the tallest tower in the middle)
and ya, i really wish towers of this scale should be build along the spine of the city (either Bay or Yonge),

either way... mindblown.
I'm not sure what to make of this. I think it's fantastic to see Mirvish invest in the city, but I'm very concerned about the heritage buildings in this area. There's already immense pressure on the restaurant row, and this isn't going to help that either.

EDIT: Apparently none of the buildings on this block apart from the theatre are designated. Still a shame to lose those buildings.

Fair trade for bold projects & legendary architecture.
