For this particular proposal, I would my opinion, what we are getting here carries more importance to the city and its future, than the preservation of the Anderson building would, and what is most important is that we ensure that Gehry's artistic vision not be most other cases I would agree with you, but for this particular proposal, what we are getting so outweighs what is there now, that the sacrifice is worth it...imho

Gotta agree. if this was Theatre Park phase 2 proposing to tear down the Anderson building, I would be screaming bloody murder. But you sometimes have to make sacrifices, (unfortunately) and I think this project will add a vastly larger amount to this city than what it is replacing.
Those are not the only towers in the world featuring offset blocks, and Gehry would never pretend that the one you're talking about of the three proposed here would be without precedent. There have already been two other significant plans for major offset block buildings in TO that have not been built, while others including 12 Degrees and Exhibit are under construction here. Nevertheless, what is proposed for Mirvish+Gehry does not look like a copy of the Russian towers to me, (and we have no idea what the facade treatment will be like here yet), so I consider the term knockoff as a bit of an overstatement.

Every time something goes up without offsets, do we knock the architect for knocking off Mies van der Rohe?

Those are not the only towers in the world featuring offset blocks, and Gehry would never pretend that the one you're talking about of the three proposed here would be without precedent. There have already been two other significant plans for major offset block buildings in TO that have not been built, while others including 12 Degrees and Exhibit are under construction here. Nevertheless, what is proposed for Mirvish+Gehry does not look like a copy of the Russian towers to me, (and we have no idea what the facade treatment will be like here yet), so I consider the term knockoff as a bit of an overstatement.

Every time something goes up without offsets, do we knock the architect for knocking off Mies van der Rohe?


Speaking of 12 Degrees, didn't Gehry call it "awful"?

I enjoyed the interview. I hope it gets built. One thing that stands out... did he say his museum would be supported by condo fees? That has to be a mistake.
The condo fees to support the museum can't be that large with 2,600 units supporting it. That said, I can't see it being free for long after it opens as the condo owners won't want to pay for it, and they will probably introduce a fee.
True. Maybe he can convert that eaton centre best buy into a theatre. They are going out of business anyway.

Why do you think they are going out of business ?
Why do you think they are going out of business ?

Too late to look up but best buy and futureshop are both suffering from the huge overhead of big stores and the increased competition of online stores and the ever decreasing sales of dvds and blu rays.

It was a off topic comment anyways. And it wasn't specific to the eaton centre store.
I thought Bestbuy is the place to go to sample a new flatscreen / gadget and price match so they beat the e-tailer's price by 10%. People stopped buying movies about 10 years ago, kind of going the way of music with most money being made at the box office.
Unfortunately you have to pay sales tax on everything in Canada. I used to order from sites based out of province to dodge PST but HST closed that loophole. Unless you're buying thousands of dollars of stuff you usually can't even order from the US because the big couriers slap you with huge brokerage fees. I mostly shop local by price matching and picking up my orders to save on shipping, so much money is unnecessarily thrown away at door-to-door delivery because not enough Canadians retailers have strategically located pick up points. I did notice Future Shop at Yonge/Dundas created a dedicated spot for online order pick-ups but that one in particular doesn't make sense because at the same time they are offering free shipping on most items.
Wow, this idea of using condo fees to pay for overhead of this museum so that it is free to the public is the most insane idea about this project I have heard to date. So Mr. Mirvish will let people see his art as long as he doesn't have to pay for it. He is dreaming if this is the funding source they are going to write up in the condo documents. That sounds pretty desperate and shows Mr. Mirvish doesn't really understand how condo boards think about dollars and their own budgets. Makes no sense.
Wow, this idea of using condo fees to pay for overhead of this museum so that it is free to the public is the most insane idea about this project I have heard to date. So Mr. Mirvish will let people see his art as long as he doesn't have to pay for it. He is dreaming if this is the funding source they are going to write up in the condo documents. That sounds pretty desperate and shows Mr. Mirvish doesn't really understand how condo boards think about dollars and their own budgets. Makes no sense.

On the other hand, perhaps the condo owners would have some special privledges regarding access to the art and perhaps those who bought there might have a particular affinity for the love of whatever art might be shown here, and therefore might be more willing to pay for the prestige of it all? As well, they are going to be in a Gehry build, so that will automatically provide some incentive to buy for the prestige factor, which would increase demand regardless of the costs to maintain the museum at your feet, if the costs are reasonable. At the end of the day, it will likely come down to costs per unit/unit type, and whether the market will support a philantropic cause and the cost of expenses in return for the goodwill gained by providing the operational capital to educate and stimulate the public's love of art. I am not sure, just throwing the idea out there, (as overly optimistic as it might be).
Lastly, perhaps, misguided or not, he is attempting to try a new method of funding to improve the knowledge, connection, and access to art for Torontonians? (This last idea might just be me trying to brainstorm his reasoning.)
