Reading the cit report again, I noticed that they not only want to make the towers shorter, but shrink the floor plate size as well. Is that because precieved inadequate spacing between the buildings? Aura has a much larger floor plate (20,000 square feet) than any of the M+G towers.
Reading the cit report again, I noticed that they not only want to make the towers shorter, but shrink the floor plate size as well. Is that because precieved inadequate spacing between the buildings? Aura has a much larger floor plate (20,000 square feet) than any of the M+G towers.

J. Keesmaat wants to shrink the floor plate size to 500 square feet so it disappears.
Certainly FCP is not in the same class as TD Centre, or even Commerce Court West, however I wonder if there had been an UrbanToronto in the early 1960s whether you would have derided those in favour of constructing TD Centre as being "skyscraper heads". There is a balance of interests at play here in which we can't just look at what we'd be losing but also what we'd be gaining. I don't think it's unfair to call what is likely to be the last major work of arguably the world's best and most impactful living architect the most optimistic tradeoff that anyone could have possibly imagined for this site. It's a situation that is incredibly reminiscent of our intersection with Mies van der Rohe 50 years ago. These warehouses are indeed valuable, and there's not much in the world I would trade for them, architecturally speaking, but what we're being offered here is one of those very few tradeoffs that I would make in a heartbeat. I take your stance to be one based on principal, as there seem to be few out there willing to stand in defence of heritage, but practically speaking, are these particular warehouses so valuable in your mind that they are worth turning down what could potentially be Toronto's next TD Centre?

Then again, keep in mind that I *didn't* dispute the fact that TD and Commerce had "motion" to go with the "meat". So I'm really referring to the kinds of skyscraper-heads who wouldn't know the difference...
I've never actually been much of a fan of any of these buildings. They seem haphazard and disjointed but I'd take them over any of the blue glass monotony of Southcore or CityPlace. These buildings, I think, are overdone and yet at the same time underwhelming but ANYTHING to add some colour to the area is welcome.
I've never actually been much of a fan of any of these buildings. They seem haphazard and disjointed but I'd take them over any of the blue glass monotony of Southcore or CityPlace. These buildings, I think, are overdone and yet at the same time underwhelming but ANYTHING to add some colour to the area is welcome.

Word-salad much?
Then again, keep in mind that I *didn't* dispute the fact that TD and Commerce had "motion" to go with the "meat". So I'm really referring to the kinds of skyscraper-heads who wouldn't know the difference...

Adma, I can't think of any scenario where you talking about either "motion" or "meat" or (much worse) both is going to improve anyone's day. I'm feeling suicidal frankly.

It could be its own dedicated, fine-grained thread - an excruciating teasing-out of how meat, motion and towers are intricately intertwined. Endless hours of fun await!
Yeah, enough of the frat house banter. Let's get back to discussing the merits of these three magnificent erectio—er, ah—that's what she said?

there will be one on March 21 or some time around that, if I am not wrong.
^Well then, I look forward to hearing the outcome, although, as a proponent (with reservations) of the original design, I fear this will fall victim to the customary Toronto Truncation. Keesmaat will see to that.
what ever happens, these should not be cancelled or should not be shorter than 250m. if they get cancelled or get cut to less than 200m this will be a loss for Toronto.
