It's still there, and I'd post a link if I wasn't on my iPad. Don't want to send you guys to the mobile version of the site. UT does need to update its database link though, it isn't working
I'm not seeing it on their regular site anymore. It seems to only be on the mobile site for the moment.

What's absurd is being against the name because a fictional TV character took on the name of something that existed long before the TV show even came to be. Lumen has used light in all of its marketing. The name has everything to do with the definition of Lumen, and nothing to do with Dexter.

Great catch Tuscani01. Lumen, Quartz, Spectra all relate to light. They are definitely marketing a light there here.
It would be a shame if it was. It was one of the few CityPlace designs with any real character or variation in colour.

A delay or cancellation at CityPlace would probably be a pretty good indicator of the health of the condo market.
This would be a real shame. This area urgently needs to fill that gap and the one across from Brunel Crt. in order to finally come together.
If you scroll up you'll see this exact same conversation happened a month ago.

No. That conversation was about the existence of the page on the desktop vs mobile version of the site. Now, the link to the page has been removed even from the mobile home page, but the site continues to exist as long as you have the url to the Lumen page.
Was in the sales centre over the weekend and they said that Lumen was just put on hold for some tweaking...but it will be relaunched in a few months. Certainly not cancelled. The timing was just a bit a year. While I like the way that Quartz and Spectra are positioned, I'm looking more forward to this black and white design coming to life. I can see the Signature building launching late 2014/early 2015 at this rate.

As a side note: There is a ton to like about CP...and once it's all completed (and people have some faith here)...with roads fully open, more retail along Fort York Blvd, maturing trees and plantings in the park...this WILL be a great neighbourhood. You can already see and feel it becoming more vibrant as it's building out.
What's the red brick building (lowrise) in that model?
