Docs are up. Hotel is in levels 5-12. Height is 45s / 149m.
It will be a "luxury hotel" per the revisions list.


It is very unclear what the finishes of the building are going to be based on the plans. Weird building though, layout wise.
From the cover letter:
Following the March 2017 OMB decision, Kingspa Inc. was formed by way of a partnership between Terracap Management Inc. and Great Gulf.

It appears that the gorgeous curved corner glass shown in early renders has already been value engineered out. ?
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the only thing that seem to have changed is the color of the the tower. the curved glass is there(or at least the curves are there)


Can't even do curved corners - they're faceted. Jesus this city's developers pinch pennies. Why even bother doing something with a little flair if you're going to literally cut corners.
Gee instead of criticizing every development, developer and architect, why don't you just apply for the job and do better
Zoom in... it's as flat as a pancake. (And possibly full of spandrel.)

View attachment 224249
All of the darker pieces there are indeed opaque. The most offensive one is the three-across since only the south-most panel is actually covering a piece of structure (which itself could be avoided if they recessed it inboard).

It'll be on GG to decide whether they care enough to spend the money to make them attractive or not...
