An LCBO is definitely needed in this part of town. I'd love to see a great 10 -15 story terraced condo with a great large 2 story LCBO in this location. Large sidewalks to match the Hudson across the street. Low enough to maintain sunlight on King Street.

How about a 15 storey LCBO? We may no longer have the tallest free-standing structure in the world ( &*%#@ Burj Dubai ), but we could have the world's tallest Liquor Store! That would put us back in the Guinness Book. Unless Guinness only lists the tallest Beer Stores! :confused:
How about a 15 storey LCBO? We may no longer have the tallest free-standing structure in the world ( &*%#@ Burj Dubai ), but we could have the world's tallest Liquor Store! That would put us back in the Guinness Book. Unless Guinness only lists the tallest Beer Stores! :confused:

...or how about the world's tallest blood-sucking government cash cow...or would that be Casino Niagara?
We could build a 15 story LCBO and have a giant tank in the middle full of wine that they could just bottle up. It could be the worlds largest box of wine!
After finally visiting the Liberty Village LCBO last night, I'm hoping, HOPING, that the K&S LCBO will be multiple floors and that the LV store not be the model for the K&S store. There's just so many people living around K&S that it would be a great opportunity to have a flagship downtown LCBO with an amazing selection.

I'm going to wade into the LCBO bureaucracy to see if anyone has any answers on what is planned...
After finally visiting the Liberty Village LCBO last night, I'm hoping, HOPING, that the K&S LCBO will be multiple floors and that the LV store not be the model for the K&S store. There's just so many people living around K&S that it would be a great opportunity to have a flagship downtown LCBO with an amazing selection.

I'm going to wade into the LCBO bureaucracy to see if anyone has any answers on what is planned...

Thanks.... please keep us posted.
I smell surface parking :(

A few spots wouldn't be terrible. LCBO usually makes them free for customers too which is nice.

Sometimes dragging a ton of liquor on the street car is a little inconvienient. Although based on posting history I wouldn't expect some people here to understand that. :rolleyes:

Seriously though I would probably walk to this place 90% of the time. The rare times I have a lot of stuff to buy (ie for a party) it would be nice to have a few spots. Although I guess I could just drive down to the one at Queens Quay....
A few spots wouldn't be terrible. LCBO usually makes them free for customers too which is nice.

Sometimes dragging a ton of liquor on the street car is a little inconvienient. Although based on posting history I wouldn't expect some people here to understand that. :rolleyes:

If the space was bigger so the spots wouldn't impact store size, I'd be on board. I've done the ol' haul booze by hand and cart thing before and it is nice to be able to do it by car sometimes.
Dude, if you'd ever played SimCity, you'd know that casinos increase cash but also increase crime. Not in my back yard! :eek:
