I echo grey's comments about the hopefully upcoming soon LCBO. The one up at Dundas is far to walk to especially carrying back bottles and the selection, while decent for a small store, still is lacking compared to the bigger stores. I'd love to just have to walk across the street to have the selection (and maybe even more selection) than the Queen's Quay store.

I'm also anxiously waiting for the Sobey's to open at CityPlace too.
Councillor Vaughan last week indicated in a public meeting that it is still a go. It will be likely a one-storey building with a vintages section and that it will be somewhat temporary (5-10 years?) until the owner of the land develops it further down the road.
It's ridiculous how slow the LCBO is to take advantage of newly developed blocks aka neighbourhoods flushed with disposable income. It took ages for the Liberty Village shop to open, still no action on Roncesvalles and nothing in Leslieville. Even along Queen West, the closest store is at Spadina & Baldwin.
It's ridiculous how slow the LCBO is to take advantage of newly developed blocks aka neighbourhoods flushed with disposable income. It took ages for the Liberty Village shop to open, still no action on Roncesvalles and nothing in Leslieville. Even along Queen West, the closest store is at Spadina & Baldwin.

The LCBO is a complete joke and needs to die. Deregulate already.
I think the LCBO, like most grocery stores/retail chains, focused far too much on the suburbs for too long and were ill prepared to deal with the influx of inner city residents. Unlike grocery stores though, there isn't competition that is filling in that void, like how urban Sobeys is the answer to the suburban focused Loblaws. IMO, this lends to the argument to let convenience stores to sell beer and wine to give time for the LCBO to better reposition their strategy to more urban stores.
That sucks, because we've replaced a one storey suburban box with...a one storey suburban box.

Too bad, because that intersection is rocking on the other 3 corners.
Too bad, because that intersection is rocking on the other 3 corners.

Oh...I don't know that I'd say the dilapidated youth hostel/bedbug hotel on the northwest corner is rocking so much. I wish someone else would buy that building and fix it up, it's in a disgraceful state. I saw today 5 foot icicles hanging from the eaves troughs, 5 floors up, right above a busy sidewalk. Scary stuff.

On another note, this LCBO can't come soon enough. I just hope the parking is at the back, if any. Anyone want to start taking bets? I've got $5 internet dollars on there being at least 5 spots, and I'll say they'll be in the back, off Spadina, as then left turns in and out won't be an issue.
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Well, the 1 storey box is replacing (mostly) a 0 storey parking lot, so that's something!
^There was a Budget rental location in that spot before.

re: the hostel. I like it. It adds some variety to a stretch that's pretty yuppie and the building itself isn't bad.
The LCBO is a complete joke and needs to die. Deregulate already.
LCBO carries a far, far superior selection to anywhere I've been where alcohol is deregulated. But there's already a thread about this in Toronto Issues. I'll save you from reading it by saying the pro-LCBO arguments are the most compelling.
Having lived in that area I must admit a LCBO is really needed especially with all the condos going up now. The nearest place around there was the one at Spadina just north of Dundas and it is crappiest LCBO.

Yea, agreed that LCBO is full of bums who are really in a bad state. So much broken glass and such outside.

The hostel can go, but not the building it's in.

I agree. It's probably the worst LCBO i've ever been into - the drunks hanging out in front asking for change, the drunks fighting with the cashiers who refuse to serve them, the smell, the dinginess of the entrance.

I would be very happy if it was just a 8-storey-ish building that matches the style of the old building on the SW corner with a decent sized LCBO. The next to go then would be the Backpacker's Hostel - as great as hostels are, I think the corner deserves something better.

Yeah, I don't see the point with hating on the hostel, that place is just starting to gain an identity in toronto.

We have to stop this insane mentality that one needs to be able to park, wherever one decides to go. This is a city of cars and that needs to change. I am not a radical and suggest that there should be no parking at all, but when are we going to finally tune-out these horrible Ratepayer groups, who decide they will quash anything that has to do with the removal of automobile access to their stores? They don't want bike lanes, no parking lots removed, no street parking removed etc. City hall needs to grow some balls and shut these people up.


For real, it should be illegal to even drive into Kensington Market. No cars should be allowed.
