This lot deserves far better architecture than the LCBO often provides for its newly built stores. Hopefully they'll do something above the bare minimum, and at the very least not front King or Spadina with a parking lot.

I read somewhere on the forum that this LBCO would not have parking, but I'm having trouble finding the post. Maybe it was a City of Toronto PDF file...

edit: It may have been Adam Vaughan's newsletter. I definitely read somewhere that it would be a flagship LCBO with no parking lot because I remember thinking, "don't they already have a flagship on QQ?"
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I read somewhere on the forum that this LBCO would not have parking, but I'm having trouble finding the post. Maybe it was a City of Toronto PDF file...

Ah, that's a good start then. I remember discussion surrounding the issue, but couldn't remember the verdict. Though with whatever gets built, I also recall that there are intentions to redevelop the site in the closer future anyway.
The less room for parking on the outside, the more room for booze on the inside.
/\ It would be best if it covered the whole site - not only for the increase in space (which necessitates an increase in alcohol).
I hope that its not a big box single storey structure...cannot find the post that references the type of structure proposed...

Single storey big boxes should be illegal on a site like this.
AV's website says no parking. I know he was involved (or at least kept up with) the design process, so I am cautiously optimistic it won't be too bad.
I hope that its not a big box single storey structure...cannot find the post that references the type of structure proposed...

Single storey big boxes should be illegal on a site like this.

It will be a single-storey structure for now. The land owner intends to use this lot and the Winners building in some high profile as-yet undecided future project.
This whole parking lot is now torn up. There's a backhoe sitting in the middle of it. I'll take some pictures on my way home tonight. Hopefully it won't take to long to get the LCBO up and running.
The torn-up asphalt's gone and the dirt has been smoothed out. The big red parking sign is still there and there's a row of about 6 cars parked now.
Cool, this new mud lot will go well with the mud lot across the street, next to the Hudson.
Here's the site with asphalt torn out and parking lot status resumed:


