Thanks for the tour interchange, is it some sort of subscriber only open house?

re: Opera House aesthetic

Hate to sound like a snob, but the general public would probably be far happier with cheap version of Opera Gariner in Paris, with precast faux-historical everything, and call that superior architecture.

Hate to sound like a snob, but the general public would probably be far happier with cheap version of Opera Gariner in Paris, with precast faux-historical everything, and call that superior architecture.

Perhaps, but that the public seems to like the city room face of the Opera House demonstrates that it doesn't have to be faux-historical to be appreciated by the masses.

True, but I bet you the general public usually doesn't think/care much about the practicality of having all 4 sides of the building done in a similiar matter either.

Interchange, great pics.

The auditorium looks great. The city room looks like a great space but I am not excited by all the material used (some of the city room looks no better than some of the new academic buildings and the glass staircase does not even come close to the staircases in Apple stores). And its a shame that the Richmond side of the facade will do without the much needed canopy.

But congrats to opera and ballet lovers!!
It's looking great, and while I admit it's no Sydney Opera House, few buildings in the world have that iconic status. It's not just the cover of the book that counts, and it's certainly better (4SC) than what was there before! Thank goodness the old design for the opera house was never built!
^ your missing the point though. Sure the interior is gorgeous and the acoustics are top notch.

That however doesn't matter to the casual Torontonian who doesn't attend Opera/Ballet and is unaware of the interior. Passers by on the street will judge the building from the outside and the awful street presence on Queen, Richmond and York.

The worst is: You can't blame them.
I can't?

I don't really care what those people think. The uninformed pass judgement on all sorts of things they know little to nothing about every day, and it's rarely worth the time to acknowledge them. I'm not saying that everyone who disagrees with me is uninformed, but there are a lot of people who have no taste and who are happy to flaunt it. I mean, look at Vaughan.

Oh, and thanks for the kind words about the pics, and yes Alvin, there was a sorta' special tour for some of the COC fanbase.

Remember that said "casual Torontonians" might also be the sort to declare NPS's walkways ugly eyesores begging removal...

As always, beautiful and thoughtfully composed photographs. Thank you for posting them.

What a breathtaking building it has turned out to be, inside and out.

I've never seen a better picture of the tiered ceiling in Ring 5. Did you try the sightlines from up there?

I love the attention to detail in this building, how the little square inset lights on the Aereal Ampitheatre stairs contrast with the little round lights inset in the balconies of the Hall for instance. And the view from the Grand Ring is indeed grand - looking down slightly on the stage to give better perspective lines than the folks at Orchestra level get.

How many took the tour? Will we see your name, as a donor, written up on a wall somewhere?
To pick up on an earlier point, the COC just phoned to let me know that the magical "red carpet" is, indeed, reserved for those who will be attending the Gala and the dinner afterwards. How they'll weed out the rest of the herd and keep us off said carpet remains to be seen ...
Maybe we will all have to do a Ronald Reagan; "I paid for this carpet, Mr. Bradshaw!"
I don't think I can build a giant sphinx to ride down Richmond Street in 10 days tho...
This red carpet thing is most elitist. How dare they treat us this way? Once inside, I'm gonna vacuum down nibblies by the fistfull, get rip roarin' drunk, and cause a scene. That'll teach 'em ...
