Indeed it keeps the LSUC separated from the great unwashed. The line of trees also spares them from viewing the hulking stacks of black brick across the street.
The fence doesn't keep out the homeless who get free hot meals at the law society's cafeteria.
I think they use the side entrance for the homeless banquets- however the society does deserve a big thumbs up for that.
Sim City is for geeks. To use Sim City as an obsessive guideline to urban form is like using those glossy big-knockered "Heavy Metal" mag chicks as an obsessive guideline to female form...
i would like to see the fence at the corner of dundas and university moved back a bit so that the bus shelter could be moved back and open up the sidewalk. there is always a pedestrian traffic jam at that corner because the shelter blocks half the sidewalk and people waiting for the streetcar block the rest. other than that - don't touch the fence, please.
"Would the city be willing to pay the enourmous price to acquire the land and move the fence, not to mention the costs invovled in cutting down many beautiful, mature trees."

I clearly was just wondering out loud if there was room for the fence to be moved back a foot or two...everything else aside, if there's a dozen trees immediately behind the fence (I can't picture how far away they are) then the fence should not be moved. Anyway, the streetcar shelter should be removed.
It isn't because of any trees that they ought not move back the fence. It's because of the fence that they ought not move back the fence. Hope that's clear.

Oh, and remember that the "pedestrian bottleneck" feeling about this stretch of sidewalk is temporarily aggravated by the continuing closed-off state of the 4SC sidewalk across the way...
I didn't say they should, I was wondering it they could. The sidewalk was always cramped.

edit - I doubt I'd even move it in SimCity unless I was plowing a boulevard through. In reality, ditching the shelter would probably do more than enough for the sidewalk. I always hated walking on the south side of Queen because of the Sheraton.
A night photo I took tonight while passing by the Four Seasons Centre. They put out a set of searchlights just outside the main entrance.

Now that it's a living breathing building (with people inside) ... I can say that it hasn't lived up to its hype.

It looks cheap and underwhelming, totally at odds with its artistic purpose. Too bad, lost opportunity at this intersection that badly needed an icon.

On a positive note: they're FINALLY paving the University sidewalk and fences are incrementally being removed.

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of the cafe' on the Queen st. side as this stretch is completely dead, regardless if there is a show on or not. If the hotel were built here, it would at least have some street presence.

Actually, I found the reality surpassing my expectations - the design does seem to work quite well. Restrained elegance is always a good thing.

There was an article in the Globe this week (or maybe the Star) noting that the free lunch time concerts which are held twice weekly are proving much more popular than anticipated. Apparently, the COC had thought around 100 people would show up but sometimes it's 300+. This is so great to hear!
My question is are the concerts held in the City Room, or in the hall itself?
