I'd rather have something bland that will age well than something that will look like [censored] in twenty years. It could have turned out so much worse than it did.

The only issue with this of course is that it'll still be bland in 20 years, 30 years, 50 years, 100 years. A statement building, on the other hand, would be hideously ugly in 20, but then potentially be gob-smacking again in 40.

It's true that it could have turned out so much worse, but it could also have turned out sooooooooo much better.

(hi, btw, missed you guys)
I'd rather have something bland that will age well than something that will look like [censored] in twenty years. It could have turned out so much worse than it did.

In Toronto we have to console ourselves with the "it could've been worse" argument far too often.
Since Toronto now has one of the world's great opera houses, we could hardly use the argument "it could've been better".

awww, I just did one of those laugh-snort-laugh things. It's like time's stood still.

Welcome back. How did the transplant go?

Well, the chest hair grafts were painful, but they seem to be taking well. I've been wearing one of these all summer though, trying to get used to it:
Yes, going there - the design excellence of the building speaks for itself. The Hall is intimate and enhances the collective experience of being at the opera, the acoustics are warm and clear as a bell, the building works equally well for orchestra, performers and audience, and the City Room is a grand, democratic, Toronto Style expression of us as a culture - and a great advertisement for it. No wonder other great opera cities now want what we have.
Comments like ganjavih's remind me of those old Japanese soldiers who - years after WW2 ended - emerged from the jungle now and then unaware that it was all over, that their side had lost, and that the world had moved on.
Pity about the signage, otherwise a fine building in all respects.

I mean--Lincoln Center doesn't have a sign on it saying "Lincoln Center."
i always thought the font they selected for the "Four Seasons Centre" was a disappointment, the ALL CAPS serif is quite clunky imho...obviously should have been a sans serif
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