If the photo was recent, and it was taken early in the morning then it is not a star but the planet Venus.

Assuming you took the picture Tomms, and you snuck in there at around 4 or 5 in the morning, then it is definitely Venus, which shines brighter than any star at magnitude -4.6 (the minus in this case is a brighter thing than 0 or 1). Venus is a morning star (A nickname. Not meaning it is a star) now and for the next few months. It was an evening star for most of the first half of 2010.
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Four Seasons Greetings!

[Taken December 22nd/2010]




Anyone know what star is in the top-centre(ish) of this photo



Beautiful Shot! It depends on the exact time of day when the photo was taken, however towards the SE this time of year the star in your photo would be Sirius A.
It is part of the constellation Canis Major which lies adjacent (below) the winter constellation of Orion.
They have a few floors of glass up on the smaller tower now. Exact match for what's on the big tower, with some extra space for ventilation grilles. On its own I think it looks great, but the combined effect of the matching glass on the big tower, the podium, and the small tower is a little overwhelming. That courtyard area is just screaming for some contrast now
Note to moderator

Noticed my last post was censured.

Please remove me as a member of urbantoronto and delete all of my posts.

Thank You


wtf? huh?

This tower is having a huge impact from every direction. Danforth, Avenue Road north/mount pleasant north, etc. The only real place where it can't really be seen well is the lake depending on where you're standing. the height is fantastic, and odd for the area. I'm hoping this will be the start of building more towers north of it to balance out the skyline. (right now FS is the unofficial end of the north-end of the skyline at 200m)
Nice shot, love that perspective.
One thing I like about Uptown is the contrast in styles it provides to the area and opposed to the 4 seasons in particular.
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