I walked by yesterday and thought the exact same thing. Up close you don't get as much of a feeling for how tall it is. It is strange.
I haven't seen the building close-up but am amazed at how large it looks at a distance relative to other buildings in the vicinity (photo taken from my balcony).

(Wish Bay St had more benches near here so I could sit back and admire it w/o looking geeky.)

LMAO!! I've noticed how annoyed Yorkvillians get when you try to stop to admire it. SO angry! Like a sidewalk is supposed to flow like a highway?
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This building is very visible from my condo at Leslie/Sheppard, actually sticks out like a sore thumb. I'll snap some pics and post them tonight.
24 May 2011--best highrise built in past 12 years?

Definitely what goes through my mind when I see it every day. However, I have been to the Shangri-la recently, and have been quite impressed with what they are unveiling. From the interesting atrium to the restored hotel facade and building, that project certainly fits into its context in an interesting and unique way that will do more for the streetscape from my perspective than what is on offer for the 4S - though I never go through the north side street and have been meaning to. 4S has excellent glass, I love the massing - as mentioned the setback give it a tall and thin appearance while the street level is dynamic and the glass quality brilliant. I will await the full height and finishings of the Shangri-la for the best highrise title.

Anyone have any others they prefer?
