The Four Seasons late this afternoon from Yonge & Jackes and Yonge & Woodlawn (s. of St. Clair), respectively

Absolutely beastly

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Very nice Mafalda - the building screams class like no other - "I am a conservative, well-dressed box and you really shouldn't ask how much my cladding cost". Speaking of class analogies by building design:

Four Seasons = Blue Blood
Ritz = Débutante
Trump = Nouveau Riche
Shangri-La = Asian well-to-dos.

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am i the only one who thinks something is a bit off about those fins/the upper portion of the building ^^^
am i the only one who thinks something is a bit off about those fins/the upper portion of the building ^^^

Well theres two sets of fins on the north and south sides of the building. The east and west sides only have one set of fins that extends a couple feet higher than the upper fins on the north and south sides.

Here's the two seperate fins on the south side as seen from the top of the building;

And here's the height difference between the south(upper fin) and east fins;

hope that helps :)
Besides that they don't resemble the render?

ya, i know that that is how they're suppose to look, but on the south side, the terrace fin kinda throws off the balance and the way the corner balconies end so short of the roof looks odd.

and i can't get enough of those views vegeta! man o man. those fins are pure transparent and have amazing views!

four seasons is basically a supertall for yorkville... oh man, these are Rockefeller views! especially with those glass panels in the foreground. pure awesomeness.
5 December 2011--Sue Ann Levy hates this rock and park--should only the rich have nice things?--but I think it really suits the new 4$ look: sexy modern Canadian design!



Lick this glass Aura!




See folks, the difference between architecture by engineers and the budget guys (G+C/Aura) vs those who take their art seriously (aA/4$) is obvious here.
