Have you guys worked in construction? Regardless if you have or not, 4 years to complete a tower is slow. Supertalls have been built quicker. It would be nice if we used more steel frame construction to quicken the pace of building.
It doesn't appear that the time to put up the structure was the rate-limiting step here. It seems like the interiors (and probably the elevators, based on the continued presence of the hoist) are the issues.

Building Bank in Yorkville!!!!!
That building across the hazel ton hotel on the right side of the picture has to go. It's an eyesore.
Yorkville by me


That's an excellent streetscape which is nicely built up with attractive buildings and landmarks, retail and businesses by the sidewalks, no overhead wires, attractive street lighting, and trees. It could use some more attractive paving than asphalt and concrete, though. It's a very important next step for urban design and public space beautification in Toronto.
^^ The trees are pretty much dead and the sidewalks are covered in asphalt patches. Yorkville it may be but much of the public realm is pure favela. Can't have a next step for urban design and public space beautification in Toronto. For that you need a first step.
Trees make the biggest difference of anything. NEEDS MOAR TREES!
^^ The trees are pretty much dead and the sidewalks are covered in asphalt patches. Yorkville it may be but much of the public realm is pure favela. Can't have a next step for urban design and public space beautification in Toronto. For that you need a first step.

The trees might not be successfully planted on this street, but the city is definitely past first steps. Certainly much more attention is still needed but there have been some successes with tree planting. First steps were taken a long time ago. Yorkville's utility wires are buried, there's attractive street lighting, Yorkville Park is a gem, the Town Hall Square is urbane, and Bloor Street through Yorkville is very polished. In fact, one might argue that there is no single "next step" as the city has dabbled in everything with successes and failures. Now it's time to make the leap towards being more comprehensive with improvements and making sure that when money is spent, the design will succeed with experience gained from the past and the most successful and attractive urban design in other cities used as benchmarks for further improvements.
Yuckville was a dreary depressing pile of poo today, it needs a ton of $ thrown at it to make it presentable. All these condos have just turned the wealth inwards--rather than splurge on making the street attractive they're typically just focused on keeping the money in the condo buildings. The Regency Yorkville my god--saw the most typical vulgar residents hanging in that lobby today, vomit.

Anyhow, the base is what matters here, and thank god 4$ delivers:


I agree urbandreamer!!! If every condo tower that went up was forced to create something nice in front of their building it would've been a great idea. But u need someone with a brain to think of it. Is it that difficult to do?? I just don't get it!!!!
But a lot of the buildings to contribute some public space, and they do redo the sidewalks, and some do plant trees.
